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Gif question


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whenever i try to do RGBs, or copy and paste from a color pallette or pantones team colors to a GIF document (because GIF is the only good quality jerseys i can post), it changes the colors to one of the like 48 basic colors on GIF, there are some other colors i can change to like unc blue and somewhat mettalic gold and all grays and some reds, but for the most part it wont let me do exact colors

could this be because i have a laptop?

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Paint just has issues.

In most programs, you can designate the palette and the method it uses to convert down to 256 colours (the max colours for a GIF image).

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POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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