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Web Design Question


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Thanks for the help guys. I went ahead and took your advice and made it a table-less layout. Since it is my first, it's kind of sloppy. I used a bunch of div tags to make each of my content boxes and then I aligned them relatively. However, now at the bottom of my layout I have a bunch of blank space where the content should have been before I realigned them. Is there a short way to set a minimum height for a page so that I can eliminate this problem?

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That's a pretty good first attempt. A couple notes before getting to the problem you actually asked about:

Font tags are the devil. If you want to have an H1 on the page, use an H1 and restyle it in CSS. That said, you should only have one H1 on a page. The header tags work like an outline, H1 is the top and everything breaks down heirarchically under it.

Paragraph tags can be empty but really shouldn't be used just for spacing. Wrap your text in them.

On to the question about the empty space:

Relatively positioning something still leaves space where the element was supposed to be. Instead of relatively positioning the two columns, I would float the left one to the left and the right one to the right. This'll line them up next to each other without having to reposition them. Your footer would have to have a clear: both in its style to line up under them.

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Any books that you recommend for CSS? Thats gonna be my nextproject, taking my website up another notch. After that, its gonna go to a database.

Zen Garden actually has a book on CSS design.

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I wouldn't spend the money on a book just for CSS, Google can help you find everything you need.

If you want a book anyway, I personally prefer the Visual QuickStart series.

Ive just found it to be easier to have a book, lol. But yeah I forgot about the visual quickstart books. Those are always pretty good.

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