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I hope that this will help those who have questions regarding logos, uniforms, and other design elements before they post.

Let me know what other FAQs I need to add, as I am sure there are some that I missed. I went through all 89 pages of post yesterday, but I think by the 50th page or so, I was about tired of reading.

*** EDIT Feb 16, 2004 - It's Back ***


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If we were in Germany I'd say "Aber Endlich!"... but we're not, so I'll just say "Finally", now Chris can just post a link to your FAQ in useless threads, and lock them immediately! No mess!

(PS: Thanks for the shout-out... I'm glad my past words could be of assistance. :))

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great sticky, good job HockeyGator!

one suggestion, is if the post header could be bold (or color different) to stand out as a must read.

Carolina Dreamin'


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Maybe add a section that explains the rules pertaining to replying to posts made by a 'certain user' :;):


Perhaps "Certain user," and "Certain colour" should make appearances in a "Certain glossary."


BTW, Gator, that rules.  Of course, the n00bs will probably still post first and read later.

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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I think we should also make a glossary for words used here alot...

TBTC, TATC, Rafale, AOC, teh, Stumper, "It sucks!", etc...

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

haha, the word 'teh' is used quite often in this forum, not naming any names though :P


*sigh* I know that can be a shot at me... i type too quickly.. brain only moves so fast

GDB... Brothers from other Mothers


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I think we should also make a glossary for words used here alot...

TBTC, TATC, Rafale, AOC, teh, Stumper, "It sucks!", etc...

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

While we're at it, how about a scale ranking the adjectives used to evaluate logos and uniforms.  We should start at the top with "perfect," "instant classic," and "it rocks," down through "nothing special," the legendary "meh," and winding up in the areas of "blown opportunity," "poc" and the legendary puke smiley displayed by "a certain user."

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I think we should also make a glossary for words used here alot...

TBTC, TATC, Rafale, AOC, teh, Stumper, "It sucks!", etc...

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

While we're at it, how about a scale ranking the adjectives used to evaluate logos and uniforms. We should start at the top with "perfect," "instant classic," and "it rocks," down through "nothing special," the legendary "meh," and winding up in the areas of "blown opportunity," "poc" and the legendary puke smiley displayed by "a certain user."

Some where in there there has to be a "it's got potential...".

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...and a section that attempts to explain Discrimihater and his (ahem) unique style ...although you might need more than a section...

I'm just messing with you Discrim... you know I've got love for the crazy stuff nobody dares to do but everybody wishes they could. :;):

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