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greenville naturals


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Definitely think you're going in the right direction...a little cleaning up around the skyline and mountains would do (like where Joe's leg is in between the two buildings), but I'm sure you're not putting the finishing touches on it yet anyway.

Where are you planning to put the wordmark? In the middle, where it curves outward?


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I like the first concept the best but maybe take shoeless joe and have his silohuette walking out of the diamond with his bat on his shoulder and and old time baseball glove hanging off the bat. Just a thought.

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Overall, I like the original the best. The silhouette is framed perfectly by the stitching. I like the font, bold with serif, but I think a better chocie might be one that is more "regular" in its width througthout, as opposed to the "Wild Wild West" thing you've got now. I also agree with the poster who said that "Greenville" needs to have one of its colors removed.

But, since you've probably got your heart set on the most recent one, my advice (unsolicited and unqualified) is to remove the gray shadows from the buildings and enlarge the "Greenville".

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update, with wordmark....getting closer to done, methinks.


left the main logo file at work, but i had to get the wordmark outta my head tonight, or i wouldn't be able to sleep.

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It's getting there. I like the progress made so far, but I think there's more you could do.

Instead of slanting the script upwards, and leaving that big gap between it and "Greenville", I'd make the script go straight across at the bottom of the sign. Keep it the same size, and on top of the sign. This would leave just a little bit of blue underneath the script so you could finish the shape of the sign. The skyline would extend to just above the top of the script, and you could keep the rest of the sign the way it is. This way, it would add just a bit more depth, and would keep "Greenville" closer to the nickname.

I'd also make Jackson's silhouette outline thicker, just so it feels more weighty and powerful.

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ok...version 5, stronger, better (i think). the critiques have been invaluable.

? made the blue outline the same thickness throughout the logo

? moved the "Greenville" just under "Naturals"

? kept the little splash of green for the mountains, as i think they are an important aspect to the region and its residents.

? changed all white to a 25% shade of the orange.

? made joe bigger, bringing his elbow out of the shape, making him look more powerful.


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This rocks. Your creamy light orange is absolutely brilliant, and now this logo just screams tradition and integrity at me. Hopefully those were some of the values you were going for! A few thoughts for possible tinkering around the margins:

1. I agree with Asterisk: you've gotta extend that outline around all of Joe. Alternately, no outline around the top of Joe. The latter might actually work better.

2. On the city skyline, there are two very narrow gaps between buildings, on the left and the right-center. Close those gaps so as to eliminate distracting slivers of green that are too small to appear in any real-life uses of the logo anyway.

3. But you know, I'd almost rather see it without the city skyline at all. Just the hills. That flash of green really anchors the logo, and it says more to me, as someone who wouldn't know Greenville from Green Bay but who does recognize the piedmont fall-line, than the skyline.

4. Something to try if you haven't already: Move the hills up to the halfway point, and drop the wordmarks down to the bottom edge of the logo. It might make the logo too top-heavy, but it might work.

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ballwonk, your help is so appreciated, and i gotta thank you...this looks so much better, but i gotta ask, which version do i go with?




i'm leaning toward the top one, but i'd love your input, faithful viewers.

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Looks good, Joel. I also like the hills-only look -- more "natural." And the removal of the outline from the silhouette improves the design, IMO. Well done. You're in the running for 2d best ID kit in the CL. B)

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I'm going to agree with amare on this, I think it looks a lot better without the outline on the silhouette (I've never known a silhouette to have an outline before).

Good work joel, and great work by all giving the very constructive comments.


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now my wife is in on the suggestion business, and this rules, in my opinion.


Your wife has good taste (And she married him anyway? -- ed). Just one suggestion: maybe make the blue around the "Greenville" text straight across the bottom and the sides. The way the outline creates a jagged bottom and right edge distracts me a bit. (I'd also think about moving the "Greenville" down and to the left just a little; plant that G under Joe's front foot to make the whole thing scan better when the eye follows the shapes.)

Oh, one more thing: I would cut off the little pointy thing sticking out of the "s" in "Naturals." The whole right side of the logo will be much cleaner if the "s" ends naturally without anything sticking out of it.

Something about that "Naturals" script makes me want an orange-cream popsicle. It's a very summertimey logo, languid almost, perfect for a baseball team in steamy Carolina.

Now let's see some uniforms!

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I come here, see the changes, and get warm inside. Joel, you are absolutely kicking ass encorporating the brilliant feedback that our beloved members are faithfully and knowledgably dispensing.

This could, quite possibly, be the thread of the year. All that is good and right in the word of CCSLC. This thread puts the third C in CCSLC.

BallWonk, you have a future in carpentry, because you have hit the nails directly upon their requisite heads. Do exactly what BallWonk has said, and this thing will be perfecto. I really am struggling with the fact that BW has told you the exact set of items I planned to say. i feel the extreme urge to say something unique an valuable, but cant come up with anything he didnt say.

This is fast becoming one of your best logos, Joel.

Keep all the iterations up, so future generations can see how this logo progressed from a loose association of decent ideas, into a world-class logo.

Very nice work, Joelio

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lookin' good!

i think i like the thin outline on the Joe (w/ thin outline extending the main border, not thick)

skyline looked good, but maybe it is too much to squeeze in.

how does the script G'ville look above Natties?

i also like the crest shape at bottom like on ver5.

colors meld well.

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Only thing I can think of that would make this logo perfect would be after doing what Ballwonk said with the Greenville is to maybe put the blue outline around Joe on the part where he pops out of the sign only. That in my opinion would finish the logo.

But yeah, this is definitely one of your best works Joel. Awesome job.

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Joel, I love the steps you took to get the logo where it's at. There was valuable C&C in this thread (especially BW), so it's great that you were able to take them into your logo.

That said, I liked it better when it was a cream background, instead of a grey one. The cream implied a bright sunny afternoon. Have you tried switching the Greenville color to the cream one?

I also think that Joe looks better without the thin outline.

Great work Joel, and great feedback by everyone!

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take this for what it's worth, because i'm not nearly as qualified as others who have commented on this, but here are my thoughts on the last version

- i don't like the gray sky...i liked the creamy orange better

- i like the contrast of fonts in the wordmark, but the curve of "greenville" doesn't match the curve of "naturals"

- what if you gave the "s" a tail like the orioles script, then placed the word greenville inside the tail...might work, might not

- the mountains convey the general "feel" of mountains, but some are vey oddly shaped (especially the one furthest left and the second from the right)

these are EXTREMELY nitpicky things, and i really like where this logo has gone...you're close to perfection!

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As previous posters have said, the mountains look odd and the space between "Greenville" and "Naturals" needs to be condensed, probably by making both words follow the same curve. I also definitely agree with removing the stub fromt he "s;" it's either a full-blown tail or nothing. Speakign of which, th idea of "Greenville" in a tail is something to toy with. I'd make it short tail that extended no further than the "a" in "Naturals."

Additionally, the blue sky makes the logo more "peaceful," but the orange I think conveys the image of a warm, lazy summer better. Especially with a monotone blue outline, the contrast was nice (Although, the added contrast between the silhouette and the background is nice too. Toss up.).

But my major sticking points remain the mountains and the text.

Lookign great! Keep it up!

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