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greenville naturals


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home unis


road and alts forthcoming

You've done something with this logo that is very hard to do: completely visualize an abstract-sounding nickname. I couldn't think of anything better to represent a team called the Naturals.

As for the uniforms, I like most of the things you did, but I have two minor critiques. First, I think patches usually go on the left sleeve, but if there's a reason why it's on the right sleeve instead, I can overlook that. Second, the caps seem a bit loud for a primary uniform, but I think they'd look great on an alternate.

Great job overall :D


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Awesome - can't add more than has already been said - it's so similar in idea to the original, but it just shows how incredible some tweaking can make something... and the original wasn't bad either...!

Quick question - what is the font forthe numbers and lettering? I like it's simplicity, but also has a stylized feel - great baseball numbers IMO

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Awesome - can't add more than has already been said - it's so similar in idea to the original, but it just shows how incredible some tweaking can make something... and the original wasn't bad either...!

Quick question - what is the font forthe numbers and lettering? I like it's simplicity, but also has a stylized feel - great baseball numbers IMO

bank gothic, one of my faves....i used it for "greenville" on the logo, so it seemed natural to use it for the lettering and numbering on the backs of the jerseys...

loaded with freelance work right now, but i promise the roads, alts and complete media package will be forthcoming.

thanks for the comments, everyone.

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bank gothic, one of my faves....i used it for "greenville" on the logo, so it seemed natural to use it for the lettering and numbering on the backs of the jerseys...

I didn't realize that was the same font. Knowing that, and having looked more carefully at the other digits, I am having second thoughts about my earlier criticism.

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I'm not a huge fan of these unis, but most of my complaints would be matters of personal aesthetic preference. Contrast-color panels on the cap's crown just bug me. You could design the best contrast-color paneled cap ever, and it would never look better than crap to me. It's just ugly, but there's no accounting for taste, so my saying so isn't constructive if you think contrast panels are nifty.

Two points that may or may not be of actual use:

1. I finally figured out why I don't like the names and numbers. On the numbers, I just think the shapes are cartoony, and therefore not at all in keeping with the rest of the Naturals team identity. But the name lettering, the letters are too square. Name letters need to be taller than they are wide. The proportions of the letters you've chosen means that even a short name like Pujols has to be so tiny as to be effectively invisible from any distance. Those would be like 1.5" letters in real life, which is way too small. Might as well have no names as have names that only fans sitting within 20 feet of the player can see, since no seat in any ballpark is within 20 feet of where any player regularly stands.

2. I normally like vests more than most folks, yet these vests aren't working for me. The Naturals script is a very horizontal wordmark. It's on the long side for a team name to begin with, plus you've made the letters lean way forward, which just emphasizes the horizontality of the lettering. Nothing wrong with that; it's a beautiful script that really communicates the team identity nicely. But the vest gives the whole player a strongly vertical shape, which you emphasize with the placket piping. That creates a visual clash with the script and makes your wordmark look out of place. Which is a shame, since that wordmark is the single best element of your uniform. A raglan jersey with regular sleeves and orange piping at the edge of the sleeve would help make the Naturals script the dominant element of the uniform and create a much more unified aesthetic.

Looking forward to the road unis!

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  • 11 months later...

Well, I just looked at my uniform file for the first time in almost a year, and i really didn't like them that much anymore. I came up with this instead, opting for a more traditional look (borrowing heavily from two of my favorite unis, the Dodgers and the Tigers)


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I like the style and everything of the uniforms - very classy and traditional, but they seem like they don't match. It just seems like there should be some orange in the road or green in the home. I'm assuming you did this on purpose, so there may be a good reason for the lack of orange/green in certain sets.

Also, where the hell do you get side views for this template? I just have front and back.

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I like the style and everything of the uniforms - very classy and traditional, but they seem like they don't match. It just seems like there should be some orange in the road or green in the home. I'm assuming you did this on purpose, so there may be a good reason for the lack of orange/green in certain sets.

Also, where the hell do you get side views for this template? I just have front and back.

The green is more prominent in the roads to emphasize the city name "Greenville". I thought it would be weird to set "Greenville" in orange. Since there is green in the logo, i figured "what the hell..."

As for the template, I can't remember where I got it from. Shoot me an email, and I'll get it to you.

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I like the style and everything of the uniforms - very classy and traditional, but they seem like they don't match. It just seems like there should be some orange in the road or green in the home. I'm assuming you did this on purpose, so there may be a good reason for the lack of orange/green in certain sets.

Also, where the hell do you get side views for this template? I just have front and back.

The green is more prominent in the roads to emphasize the city name "Greenville". I thought it would be weird to set "Greenville" in orange. Since there is green in the logo, i figured "what the hell..."

As for the template, I can't remember where I got it from. Shoot me an email, and I'll get it to you.

The "Green"-ville makes sense...I actually didn't catch that. I like the green/blue combo better, actually. NOthing wrong with blue and orange though.

If you can, I'd like that template. Please send it to slichty33@yahoo.com. Thanks.

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Guest darkpiranha

Great logo, great progression, and great contribution and support by this community. As one poster said farther up, THIS is the way these forums are supposed to work.

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Wow, those are nice uniforms. Love the new G cap logo.

I understand why the road uniform turns green, and considered on its own I love the way the road uniform looks. I think the Twins ought to look like that, actually. My gut says that the two uniforms are just too dissimilar in color. But my head tries to tell me that just because most teams don't do this sort of thing, that doesn't mean it's bad design to do so. For example, officers in the U.S. Navy sometimes wear white, sometimes dark blue, and sometimes tan, and you still always know that you're talking to a Navy officer, so dissimilar uniforms can work just fine. Still, my gut is winning on this one. But, hey, every sacred tradition of baseball uniforms was a radical departure once that rubbed traditionalists the wrong way, right?

A couple of things come to mind, though, for integrating the road uniform more into the scheme without sacrificing your desire to make the Greenville uniforms green. First, what about a solid green top with blue and orange cream lettering? Alternately, what about using your light green cream color instead of gray as the road uniform, and then keeping the blue/orange/orange cream lettering as on the home? Just some thoughts. Odd, actually, that I'm totally into the idea of non-gray road uniforms like the Padres, but I'm cool on the idea of road uniforms with script colors not used on the home uniform. (And I love the Nats uniforms, which really aren't that many steps away from your concept in terms of home/road disjunction.)

Finally, I don't like arched player name lettering in general, because it's actually poor design from the readability and use-of-space points of view. But here, I don't think it fits because it looks "modern" rather than "classic." I think the overall aesthetic you've created with these unis requires more traditional arced player names.

Still, very nice uniforms; a definite step up from your previous uniform effort. These really do justice to your excellent earlier work on team logo and identity.

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