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Comets Logo


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Bosh, you may be right about it being too cartoonish. It looked a lot better as a sketch. Ill see if anyone else has any comments before I make any changes. If it needs a new look, thats what Ill do.

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1. I don't find this overly cartoonish at all, and in fact I'd like it more if I did. It's a freakin' grade school! How is cartoonish not a good thing for a grade school logo? :D (And when I say "I'd like it more," I don't mean to imply I don't already like it a lot. I do. Like it a lot, that is.)

2. Yeah, the gradient (both the actual gradient and the spiky yellow bits in the other letters) isn't working for me. Simplify: Stick with white letters. With the blue background and the yellow comet, you have more than enough contrast for white letters to stand out nicely.

3. Speaking of the letters, I like the little fiery things on the C and the S.

4. But the comet isn't quite right to my eye. Granted, I was an obsessive stargazer and Carl Sagan junkie in grade school, back before Comet Halley's last visit. But the comet is a little too fiery to me. It's not a meteor, it's a comet. It needs a slightly smoother look, a little less like a roiling fireball. And you've got an accidental blue Nike swoosh in the comet. That's gotta go.

5. Otherwise, very nice work. This would be an awesome grade school logo. It's got bright colors and it's easy to read with simple letter shapes. It's got action, but no depicted or implied violence, and it's pretty gender-neutral to boot. Well done.

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