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Minnesota Twins Concept


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compared to your other works these are very good. i don't have the time or patience to nitpick.

the only thing i really don't like is the logo it self. like everyone else says, it looks like the Chevron Twins, instead of the minnesota twins. subsitute the chevron backdrop for the state outline and you have a nice concept.



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Here it is with pinstripes. Personally I like them without better. I am working on the logo.

Do u mean Piping, because there is NO pinstripes.

I like it better with the piping. Good Job.



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The piping really makes the uniform set look more complete than what you had before in my opinion. I almost like piping better for the Twins than pinstripes (then again, I'm not a Twins fan, so take that with a grain of salt).


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Shrinking your concepts to half the size doesn't hide the fact that you still continue to crank out sloppy work.

In this one alone, even with the smaller size, I can see:

*blurry road wordmark

*white strips on the gray of the road pants

*missing buttons on the road and alt jerseys

*white pixels on the edges of the road set

If you're not going to make any effort to improve your work, and instead feel like hiding cut corners with image size, they why do you even bother posting said work?

I'm no expert lmupepbander, but this is merely a concept & not a formal submission to MLB or the Twins. Ease Up!

IMO, I really like the mix of the 60's home uni w/the revised away uni from '87.

Not a big fan of alt uni's at all, but I like what see, patsox!

If you followed patsox's work before, then you'd understand.

You missed the point -- it's not AT ALL like his previous work.

(Why should previous sloppiness matter in a current concept, anyways?)

I like it. I agree that pinstripes should at least be explored. I like the addition of piping, because the home/alt uni's looked a little plain, or lacking something. I'm with you on the off-white color too; it looks great.

Good concept, Patsox, definitely a step in the right direction! Keep up the good work.

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The Road wordmark is not centred on the uniform.

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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I'm no expert lmupepbander, but this is merely a concept & not a formal submission to MLB or the Twins. Ease Up!

JH - according to your bio, you've been here for 7 months. Surely you've seen the Concepts forum at some point. It's widely known and accepted that 99.9% of these concepts aren't going to be submitted to any professional team for future use.

In this particular case, the artist has been given advice to clean up his concepts by literalyl dozens of people here, and the advice had largely gone unheeded. Criticism is meant to help people improve. So enough with the "Ease Up!" nonsense - it's kind of a foolish thing to say. Saying that is like saying it's OK 2 uuse poor speling & punctuashin when u r righting a response hear; bcause it isnt' english class & it doe'snt mater what u rite in the 1rst place. In online communities, people treat you based on how you represent yourself. Wrong is wrong, sloppy is sloppy.


Editorial over, onto the concept.

Patsox, your best effort yet. Very well done, and well-executed. The piping is a little thick on the last revision, but I like everything else. I am with the people who would rather see the logo in the outline of Minnesota. But no major beefs, and I like the off-white (and no :censored: road pinstripes).

As one of the first to criticize some of your past efforts, I will be one of the first to praise a job well-done. Much better.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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Editorial over, onto the concept.

Patsox, your best effort yet. Very well done, and well-executed. The piping is a little thick on the last revision, but I like everything else. I am with the people who would rather see the logo in the outline of Minnesota. But no major beefs, and I like the off-white (and no :censored: road pinstripes).

As one of the first to criticize some of your past efforts, I will be one of the first to praise a job well-done. Much better.

ya what he said, the best comments on the board.


Someone be a World Champ, please!

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I must admit, this concept has really grown on me. My basic inclination is that anyone responsible for the Twins actually dropping their pinstripes ought to be forcibly relocated to North Dakota, but this is the first non-pinstriped Twins concept where I've thought to myself, "This could work."

However, the piping is a big step backwards for you. The beauty of your original concept is that it replaces the classy form of the pinstripes with a uniform so simple that it becomes elegant. The piping destroys that simplicity, and turns this into yet another concept that amounts to, "Let's take everything that's aesthetically pleasing about the Twins uniforms and destroy it." I overstate the case, obviously, but most of the time simpler is better and this is one of those times.

The alt, though, isn't working for me. It seems thrown on, as if maybe the Twins had been wearing the home and away for decades but then in 2002 some marketing hack decided to throw together an alternate to boost sales at the pro shop. It doesn't feel like a natural part of the overall uniform set is what I'm trying to say.

A thought about the alternate: Instead of a TC on a vest, what about a uniform with elbow-length sleeves and the TC on the left sleeve, larger and lower than a traditional sleeve patch? That would mirror one of the classic uniform styles the team wore in Washington, and the plain-front alt with the big sleeve patch would be a truly distinctive uniform. It would have the feel of a "Sunday best" outfit.

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I do like the fact that you ditched the "M" hat, and went with the "TC"

That said, I'm not a fan of this concept. Don't get me wrong, compared to your past work this set is very well done. Infact I really like your alt set.

I have two problems with concept though:

1) You ditched the pinstripes. I for one happen to like the pinstripes the Twins currently use, even on the roads.

2) You used the old "Twins" script on the home, which IMO isn't as good as the current "Twins" script.

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