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Tampa Bay Buccaneers Concept


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They're a little plain. My C&C is as follows:

1) Clean up the image a little- it's looking sort of messy and pixellated.

2) If you're going to try to go retro, use the actual tangerine color they used, and not this "flesh" color.

3) Give them TV numbers, either on the shoulders or sleeves.

4) Add some detail to the jersey, besides the side striping, to make it look more professional and less "high school".

5) This one is personal opinion, but I don't think the helmet works. I think the flag looks better on a colored helmet, but if you're going to try to do it on the white helmet, the facemask needs to be changed to something darker - either red or black.

6) Give them bolder colors, and make one of them a darker "accent" color. Right now they're looking very faded, and I don't think the flesh color works well with the pastel pewter- just too much pastel. Actually, I don't think the pastel pewter works at all. Light gray is sort of a morose color, and really brings down the energy of the whole thing. Maybe you could use the orange from the football or the black from the skull as accents to make the uniform jump out more.

7) Use the pirate ship secondary logo somewhere. It's one of the better secondaries in the NFL.

Overall- This is a tough concept to do, because in my opinion the Buccaneers have some of the best uniforms in the NFL already. I think it's an excellent idea to work in the Bucs' historic colors (I always like those sort of concepts), but you should work on improving the color scheme, the cleanliness, and the detail of this concept significantly.

Take any of this with a grain of salt... I don't claim to be an expert.

oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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Try a different font. If you are going for a combo of uni eras (which IMO isn't generally a good idea) than go with a block style font, since that's what they've always had.

Follow previous advice regarding the helmet (in addition, lose the striping), and jersey (tv numbers, pirate ship logo, wordmark, etc.)

Also, the pewter and orange don't go well together. Even though I prefer the pewter / red to the orange, for your concept, I'd drop the pewter. It adds no asthetic value.

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ummm you just took a giant step back. No names and helmet logos. Plus why are the outlines on the numbers to different colors on different sides? What the :censored: is up with the yellow. The first combination was better IMO. That wordmark is too big also.

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This is a work in progress, and it's still not perfect. I used the old tangerine color and the new pewter and red. I wanted to add an orange stripe to the underside of the sleeve, but I couldn't get it to look right.



I like the flags, but the uniforms need some work with the numbers and design.


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Mixing elements from different eras is always difficult. Now you're seeing why. Simply put, the pewter/flag look was meant to completely replace the Bucco Bruce/Creamsicles look, and not to coexist with it in some compromise concept. As such, nothing here goes with anything else.

Some specific problem spots:

1. COLOR. That gold color on the redesign is not quite Bucs orange, but it's closer than what you started with. But it's miles away from the orange football still on the helmet logo featured in your concept.

1a. DISTRIBUTION OF COLOR. The jersey is almost entirely orange, but the helmet has NONE of that jersey color on it. The helmet is mostly white, but every element - facemack, logo - is deep red.

2. SIZING. Too small: player name, TV numbers on sleeves. Too large: team name on jersey - no pro team wears its name that large, it's more of a small addition under the collar. Heck, most college teams don't wear their name on their jerseys that large.

3. FONT. Franklin Gothic is nice and legible, but I can't see it being worn by an NFL team in competition. Maybe it could work, but it doesn't say "NFL-level quality" to me.

I will say that it's made some progress since you started this, but it's got a ways to go.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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This doesn't work at all. The number/name style doesn't match that of the very large wordmark you have on the front of the jerseys. Moreover, that wordmark if to difficult to read and doesn't suit the jersey.

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