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Chicago White Sox concept


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I really like this....if the Sox were to add another color, I can either see red like you have or a dark sage green.

I can't see them adding red. We already have the RED Sox.

The Sox have a long history of wearing some red.


(BTW, Awesome. Although that C might remind some of the Cubs. A big no-no on the South Side.)

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The Sox have a long history of wearing some red.


(BTW, Awesome. Although that C might remind some of the Cubs. A big no-no on the South Side.)

And lest we forget, red was their primary color from 1971 through 1975. Granted, it sucked, but it is part of their history.

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Great concept, though I would still take their current uniforms over these.

The White Sox have had more uniforms then any other team I can think of. They've finally found a design that they've decided to stay with. On top of that, they won their first WS in around 80 years with the current uniforms.

You still have a great concept. The red is used in just the right amout to keep it from dominating the uniforms. Also, considering the Reds are switching out black for navy next season, the scheme would be unique to MLB. I just don't see it as an improvemnet over the current unis, which IMO will be mentioned in the same breath as the Yankees' pinstripes, Tigers' classic whites, and the Cards' birds-on-bat in 50 years.

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I really like this....if the Sox were to add another color, I can either see red like you have or a dark sage green.

I can't see them adding red. We already have the RED Sox.

The Sox have a long history of wearing some red.


(BTW, Awesome. Although that C might remind some of the Cubs. A big no-no on the South Side.)

I guess, I just see no need for them to add red. Doesn't feel right to me. The Dallas Stars had red in their mooterus jersey for a period of time, but that doesn't make it a good or proper colour for them; or one to bring back for that matter.

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they are the Chicago WHITE Sox. if u add red you'd be pushing white to third colour status, which is not where it belongs. besides, what"s wrong with the current uniforms?

There's nothing wrong with their current uniforms. It's a concept, he can do whatever he wants.

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heh, great minds thinkin similarly again :D

I remember toying with adding red to the Sox a few years back, when some of us were still hangin around fanhome. oddly enough, it got me mentioned in an article on Baseball Truth. heh, turns out I was too dumb to figure out a way to put the Chicago script to use but smart enough to take the single sock from their alt logo and turn it into crossing sox.

um, make that one great mind and one half-baked one :D


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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