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Quick Logo Critique


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I really like the rendering of the head; its a shame it is lost a bit since it is so small in the logo. I would find a way to enlarge the falcon so the head fills more of the space in the shield (which has a lot of empty space as it is now). Then the talons could probably hang on or over the wordmark to integrate better with it. Since the wings span so far out, perhaps they could be cropped to inside the shield. I don't know, the elements are sure there - experiment a little. Oh yeah, the shield looks a little assymetrical to me - you might want to check that.


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The shield does look asymmetrical, check that out.

Also, you could probably get rid of some of the detail on the wings and created the same effect. I agree with pretty much everything the previous poster suggested.

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The shield is definately off. I was going for another design and forgot to make that even. I would like to make the falcon bigger, but I like the way the tail looks. But Ill play with it and see how it looks. I do and dont like the idea of the wings in the shield. I took me a long time to do the detail on the wings (why I dont like it) but it would be good cause I could make the falcon body bigger. Thanks for the advice.

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The shield is definately off. I was going for another design and forgot to make that even. I would like to make the falcon bigger, but I like the way the tail looks. But Ill play with it and see how it looks. I do and dont like the idea of the wings in the shield. I took me a long time to do the detail on the wings (why I dont like it) but it would be good cause I could make the falcon body bigger. Thanks for the advice.

I can understand the point about the wings. FWIW, I was thinking the wings might look good on a secondary logo, perhaps with the shield containing just "CHS" (or even "C" )and the wings coming off the shield. Just an idea I had, and I will admit my ideas don't always translate well in reality ^_^


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It's way too detailed. You want an icon, not an illustration. The box around the lettering probably isn't the best solution, either. I would explore some more innovative options here.

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The main thing that's jumping out at me is just to simplify the wings. They do look kind of like scales, as JFR mentioned. It's a great start, and by simplifying the wings and face and trying different wordmark arrangement, you should come up with a successful design.

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while they're rendered very well, those wings just don't work for me - way too much detail - maybe you could lose all but the tips - the box around the wordmark is too angular for the rest of the logo - find a way to fix those and you're there!

edit: just realized i pretty much said exactly what tempest did...sorry i don't have more original c&c :)

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Did you use autotrace to create the falcon? The reason I ask is that the stroke weight of the wings is noticably uneven. At some points, it almost disappears. Autotrace is good for some tasks, but far from perfect. Consider redrawing the bird. You'll have better results.


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Thanks for the input everyone. So far the main complaint is the wings (to simplify them and make them not so scaley looking) and the word mark could use a little work as well. It turns out I have more time to work on this so I will make the updates and post the new logo as soon as I can. Thanks again everyone.

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