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Thrashers alternate concept


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those light shades of blue are some of my favorite colors, i like this and yep vic, you're getting the hang of it :)

i think when i started out, the ONLY thing i was doing was Sens concepts...then i discovered templates. :D


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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nice simplification of the regulars.  Though, you need some sort of striping on that sock.  Plain navy doesn't work. On the arm area of the jersey, I'd make the yellow and burgundy stripes slightly wider and flip them so that yellow borders the navy arms.  It's hard to see the thin burgundy stripe up against the navy.  Clarity is key.

Personally, I'd add some hem striping for the jersey just because I don't like it when the bottom of the jersey is empty.  But that's me.

Good work.  Vast improvement over what your first designs looked like.  Keep at it.

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