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Looking for help with a Non-Sports Logo


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Dear membership,

My family owns a small business here in Western New York named American Garage Doors. We have been using Uncle Sam as a sort of logo for a while now and it needed updating. The slogan has been in use since Uncle Sam became the quasi-official logo too.


Above is the logo after I updated and vectorized it. It will be used both with and without the text, colored and black/white. Here's the questions I have:

Can anything be done with the ring to make it "pop" a bit more?

Is there a way to sort of emphasize the "You" without losing the symetry?

Obviously, any other c&c is very welcome.

Thanks in advance.



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I would make the ring pop less. The way I see it, the ring is third on the importance depth chart here behind, well, the only other objects, the text and Uncle Sam. Why would you want any emphasis at all placed on the ring?

Do you know that you have two different blues and two different reds in your logo? That's a potential printing nightmare. Pantone 281 and Pantone 193 are the official colors of the flag.

Your text is severely lacking in general. Boring type in a stale arrangement. Spice it up with a bold face like Trade Gothic or something that's not Arial/Helvetica. I would also reccommend using solid stars instead of the beveled stars you currently have. They're too delicate to show up well at small sizes.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

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Have you changed the logo to greyscale? Because when I did, the red outline on the circle disappeared. Always create a logo black and white first, and worry about value contrast, not color contrast. When you change it to black and white you'll understand what I mean. Mostly it good. As far as the font goes, either use a thicker font, or a serif to enhance it a bit. What about moving the text into the blue circle, making it white and using the stars instead of the bullets?



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