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My First Concept Dallas Stars


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- As brendan said, this needs to be cleaned up a lot. Spend some more time with it and clean up the lines. Try using the zoom tool, this should help a lot.

- You should also think about adding some black, as this doesn't look right as a Stars jersey without it.

- You need to fix the Stars logo so it isn't vertically stretched.

- Try creating some original sleeve stiping instead of simply coloring in panels on an existing template.

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wow that is worse than patsox.  Clean that up ALOT.

as i said... IT WAS MY FIRST ONE

doesn't matter on my first concept i didn't complety screw up the template i was using. I used a bit more creativty to.

Yeah, really. At least try to clean it up. That or throw this thing away.

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Erm, ouch.

Well. the important thing is that you tried. Now you know what to do next time. Im sure your next will be much better!


Oh and from Homer Simpson:

"You've tried your hardest, and failed. The lesson is, never try"

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Alright, well you're going to need a LOT of practice, but here are some pointers.

-Use that template, but not that style. The Sharks are the only team that can get away with that.

-Use the Paint Bucket tool instead of just painting everything with the brush. The Paint Bucket IS your friend....

-Don't, and I repeat, DON'T save as .JPEG! Save as .PNG! .JPEG screws your entire picture up.

-Resize the logo. Right now, it's too stretched out and it looks horrible.

-Fill in the collar, unless you wanted a double-white one....

-Get rid of those 3 random lines at the bottom. No need for them.

Practice and practice A LOT before you post your next one.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Easy now, young'in. No one's saying anything inflammatory. They're just giving you honest feedback. It may be your first effort, but there's a goldmine full of advice there for you to make improvements to this design, and future concepts.

Not that I am saying that probably hasn't been said yet, but:

1. DETAILS MATTER. People here catch everything, and you're on the hook for anything and everything contained in your work. If you don't want to be called out on something, make sure it's been taken care of.

2. CLEANLINESS MATTERS MORE THAN DETAILS. On boards like this, 99.99% of us never meet more than a handful of other members. So all we know about you is how you conduct yourself. Part of that conduct is the quality of your work. This concept is sloppy - bottom line. Off the bat, people form ideas about you and your capacity for production. Very rare is the person who overlooks sloppiness when evaluating a concept, and it'd take a phenomenal concept to shine through sloppiness. Your concept is hardly novel - it's the Sharks' template, recolored and altered to be a Stars' concept. Since it's not an awe-inspiring concept, the quality of the work has to be that much stronger.

3. TAKE YOUR TIME. QUALITY TRUMPS QUANTITY. Any one of us could cut & paste - or worse yet, recolor - onto a template and clog the Concepts board with trash. It's not done because it's a waste of everyone's time, and it bumps a lot of good work off the first page, where it's rarely seen again. Many people here do professional-grade work, and are trying to get it seen. It's better to spend days or weeks perfecting one good concept than to spend 5 minutes churning out crap. People who do that get reputations they can't shake.

Now, specific to this concept:

- clean, smooth lines - pretty much everywhere.

- smaller logo that isn't compressed and squeezed onto the sweater.

- go another way, the Sharks' template doesn't translate.

- the Stars' current design is a great use of the star shape in a somewhat subtle way; what can you do to improve what they have already?

- the semicircles on the sleeves are elbow reinforcements, are are not meant to be contrast colored. We're not English professors here with suede patches on our sportcoats.

- get familiar with your template and your tools. The "X" in a square is for your color palette. The diamond below the jersey is for sweater mesh panels. If you're not going to use them, erase them.

- letters and numbers must be in a straight line, and legible.

- the captain's "C" shouldn't disrupt the pattern of the sweater.

- the front view's collar placement is all screwed up, and doesn't match the design of the back view - the front collar has lines for 2 colors, while the back view is a single solid color.

- save the picture as a .png file - it'll stay a little cleaner and the colors are more uniform. Plus, it shows bigger.

- what's with all the little circles in the green/gold stripes?

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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Alright, well you're going to need a LOT of practice, but here are some pointers.

-Use that template, but not that style. The Sharks are the only team that can get away with that.

-Use the Paint Bucket tool instead of just painting everything with the brush. The Paint Bucket IS your friend....

-Don't, and I repeat, DON'T save as .JPEG! Save as .PNG! .JPEG screws your entire picture up.

-Resize the logo. Right now, it's too stretched out and it looks horrible.

-Fill in the collar, unless you wanted a double-white one....

-Get rid of those 3 random lines at the bottom. No need for them.

Practice and practice A LOT before you post your next one.

I pretty much agree with all of those statements. Don't worry, just get in a little more practice and you should get a hang of this.

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