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Another stupid sports-related lawsuit


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Judge allows discrimination suit against Angels to proceed

This was that suit by a psychologist stating he, along with all men and anyone under the age of 18 were discriminated by a promotional giveaway the LA Angels did on Mother's Day, and gfave out to any woman 18 and older. The man suing states that all men and anyone under 18 should recieve 4,000 dollars in damages.

My take on this is that it's a load of #$@&...does this guys really give a hoot? I would straight up tell the guy, fine you want this PINK Angels item, fine, have it. I'm sure he'd be the only one throwing a fit.

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This is utter bullcrap.

The promotion clearly said that these items were to be given to Women over 18. Since he is a male, he does not qualify to get said item. He should not be suing the Angels for something he technically cannot get because of the guidelines set by the promotion.

This ranks up there with those who sue McDonald's for making them fatter or those who sue video games because they can't control their damn kids.


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I hate these Judges that allow this crap, their are promotions for children only (12 and Under) and adults only (13 and over), this is just part of that a way to get women to go on Mothers day, and nobody is harmed by it but we are all harmed by the waste of time thise trial will be and if this jackass wins, it could forver harm all stadium promotions.



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He's suing because he technically can't win due to of the guidelines for the promotion. His opinion is that the promotion in itself was discriminatory, which (in Canada anyway) is against the Bill of Rights. He's really not suing for whatever the item was.

Don't get me wrong, I still think it's a waste of time, and shouldn't even be heard.

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