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CHL Concepts


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Another batch I made up. Still not happy with the Spiderman (and this already the third revision)...it definately needs...something. Maybe the web pattern.

Anyway, here are four more:


Atlantis Aquamen


Central City Captain Marvels


Manhatten Spidermen


K'un L'un Iron Fists

More will follow. Again, feel free to make some of your own :)


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Spidey's nice--a web pattern may work--I'd like to see an alt with the Spidey symbolthat looks like the Spidey smilie seen above-and here--in the early days he had a light on his belt he could use to shine a symbol lthat looked like that...


Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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A suggestion for Captain Marvel/Shazam...

You know, on his cape, he has those embroidered "flowers" or whatnots... perhaps that could be incorpated somewheres, like in a strip, or as a patch... Dunno, just a suggestion...

And I'm liking the Aquaman one...


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