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Best defensemen


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Tonight Scott Stevens will set the record for most games played by a defensemen in NHL history. Because of this ESPN asked thier commentators who the ultimate defensive pair would be.

ESPN, Great Blueliners

If you were to start a team which 2 defensemen in hockey history would start on defense?

Me, it would be Stevens and Orr. You would have the best offensive defenseman with the best defensive defenseman. It would be to much for the opponet to handle.

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Bobby Orr is a definate. There have been many great NHL defence man since Orr, but if not for Bobby, they might not have been so great. Bobby was the first D man to jump into the play, and score with any kind of regularity. He revolutionized the position, and if not for him, alot of D men in the game today wouldn't have had the chance to do what thtey do.

Along with him, I'd have a toos up between Bourque and Coffey. Coffey was great as an Oiler, and Bourque was the marque player on a team that after a long time didn't have the heart to give him the only thing he needed to end his career. If I couldn't have Orr on my team, I'd go with Coffey and Bourque

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Good Article on ESPN as recommended by "Jokerman" - good stuff thanks for the insight.  As a fellow Devils fan, I'd say Stevens is up there with the Orr, Coffey, Lindstrom, & Borques.  He has to be in the top 10, that's really good company.   Congrats to the corner member of the "Devils Triangle" :angry:

Kansas-BB-banner.png My-son-Soldier-banner.png

Kansas City Scouts (CHL) Orr Cup Champions 2010, 2019, 2021         St. Joseph Pony Express (ULL)  2023 Champions     Kansas City Cattle (CL)

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Wow, I can't believe no one else has mentioned Al...I'm sure others have done this, but you know he has never finished a season a minus...one reason I really hope he is able to comeback in the reg season is because he is currently a -1...what a crappy way to lose a career streak.
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Wow, I can't believe no one else has mentioned Al...I'm sure others have done this, but you know he has never finished a season a minus...one reason I really hope he is able to comeback in the reg season is because he is currently a -1...what a crappy way to lose a career streak.

Al is part of my top, for sure


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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I feel Stevens is overlooked by many becuase he does what a defensemen should do. PLAY DEFENSE. Stevens is overlooked because he doesn't have the offensive numbers while guys like Brian Leetch get hyped as great defensmen even though they have terrible +/-.

Stevens is on of the best blueliners ever.

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Stevens is on of the best blueliners ever.

Maybe today, maybe in the last 15 years, but not all-time.

Leetch overhyped?  Who's hyping Leetch?  I keep forgetting that guy plays hockey anymore.

Scott Stevens... ZERO norris trophies, keep reminding yourself that.

best defencemen, in no particular order...

Harvey, Orr, Shore, Coffey, Bourque, MacInnis, Park, Lidstrom, Horton

The only thing Stevens has goin' for him is that he captained 3 stanley cup champions, but I still can't see him as someone you can tell your kid you had the pleasure of seeing play.

Me: "I remember seeing Scott Stevens play"

Kid: "Who?"

HHOF?  Probably.

Good Defenceman?  No doubt about it!

One of the Best Ever?  He's good, top 15 all-time, but not best

My two cents.


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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I used Leetch as an example, becuase he's on the rival team. And where I live he gets hyped alot.

As for 0 norris throphies, please read my post above. He get over looked because writers look at offensive stats.

As far as Stevns being remembered. Yes, his big game clean hits will be played over and over again.

I f I was starting a team, he would be starting on the blueline with Orr.

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As far as Stevns being remembered. Yes, his big game clean hits will be played over and over again.

I like how you had to throw clean in there... sure they were clean, but they were with intent to injure, just because they were clean doesn't mean they were right.

As for writers concentrating on offensive stats, that's something I have overlooked and I will go back and refigure that into my opinion... however, that still won't put stevens on my top 5.


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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As far as Stevns being remembered. Yes, his big game clean hits will be played over and over again.

I like how you had to throw clean in there... sure they were clean, but they were with intent to injure, just because they were clean doesn't mean they were right.

As for writers concentrating on offensive stats, that's something I have overlooked and I will go back and refigure that into my opinion... however, that still won't put stevens on my top 5.

Yeah, that's what Todd Bertuzzi does, though I won't call them clean. I think it's dirty if it's intent to injure. It just happens to be legal.

As for O stats, it's true, writers like them. However, Stevens in my opinion isn't top 5 either though.

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I like how you had to throw clean in there... sure they were clean, but they were with intent to injure, just because they were clean doesn't mean they were right.

Were his hits meant to be hard- Yes

Were his hits meant to get the player thinking the next time he comes down the middle- Yes, it's part of playing defense

Were his hits meant to injure people- I don't think so, Let's not put him in the same category with Tie Domi here.

I put clean in there, because they can be shown that you can throw a hard hit with the proper way of checking. With the shoulder.

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