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Notre Dame vs Georgia Tech


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Yellow vs white, ugh...yellow should be considered a white color - there's not enough contrast. Has ga tech always had these ugly yellow jerseys? They're like that horrible experiment purdue tried.


oops, I got an error and didn't think the post went through...

this has been a pet peeve of mine in the NBA - how they have decided that yellow is an appropriate color for a road jersey rather than a home jersey, except for the lakers, despite the history of many teams using yellow or gold at home (Cleveland, Golden State, Indiana.) Gold would be a great option for a home alternate or primary for Cleveland.


This "yellow" you speak of is actually gold, or old gold.... i've even heard "Vegas gold". When people refer to yellow, i think Green Bay Packers, Oakland A's, or Boston Bruins.... not Notre Dame or Georgia Tech.

I don't mean to be picky, but something in me gets unnerved when Tech's colors are described as yellow and black, or yellow and navy blue. Its officially white and gold.... the two primary colors they are wearing tonight, with navy accents and numerals.

I do agree that its kind of a drag that the two teams are wearing the same colors, but I imagine most people's TVs are good enough to be able to tell them apart... right?

I'll try not to get so bent out of shape in the future over team colors. :)

This "yellow" you speak of is actually gold, or old gold.... i've even heard "Vegas gold". When people refer to yellow, i think Green Bay Packers, Oakland A's, or Boston Bruins.... not Notre Dame or Georgia Tech.

I don't mean to be picky, but something in me gets unnerved when Tech's colors are described as yellow and black, or yellow and navy blue. Its officially white and gold.... the two primary colors they are wearing tonight, with navy accents and numerals.

I do agree that its kind of a drag that the two teams are wearing the same colors, but I imagine most people's TVs are good enough to be able to tell them apart... right?

I'll try not to get so bent out of shape in the future over team colors. :)

That's fine that their color is gold, but their jerseys tonight were yellow - their helmets were gold (there's a pet peve of mine - why didn't the helmets match the jerseys?). Besides, you can't be offended when a team that's called the "Yellow Jackets" are referred to as the team wearing yellow...



I never really knew if the GT uses black and gold for football, or just really, really, dark blue. Because the basketball team uses blue and gold. Can someone fill me in?

I never really knew if the GT uses black and gold for football, or just really, really, dark blue. Because the basketball team uses blue and gold. Can someone fill me in?

I think it's a really dark shade of blue.


yup, that was a real dark navy. and yeah, the golds would be better used as light jerseys instead of darks (see 2002 Vikings @ Saints for great example).

and yes, those jerseys were metallic gold, not yellow gold. if they had on Packer gold, you'd have a case.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬


Ya, I was thinking the same thing too. I could barely tell the teams apart. The jerseys and pants were pretty much inverses of eachother. Both teams had gold helmets and dark numbers. It looked ridiculous.


Yeah, I could clearly tell who was who. And I have a smaller TV than most. It's not that drastic.

You used to hold me

Tell me that I was the best

Anything in this world I want

I could posses

All that made me want

Was all that I can get

In order to survive

Gotta learn to live with regrets

-President Carter


I watched the game in high def, and it was clear as day who was who. I'd think that the players could easily tell, though, as the previous posts indicate, many of the fans cannot. Of course, maybe by TV's colors are a little oversaturated (though the skin tones are right on).

Who was at the game that can give their perceptions?

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Maybe it would have helped if Tech broke out white helmets for the game.


The Helmet Project shows isolated instances of teams changing their helmet to avoid looking too much like their opponent in things like bowl games. Hosting ND from a publicity standpoint might as well be a bowl game.

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you know, the team with the white jerseys were ND and the team with the gold jerseys were GT.

just a little FYI, if you had a hard time telling the difference.

btw, watching it on HD, you can easliy tell the differences.

This was the chaos of the old BYU 'home' jerseys where they had a thing of white on their chest. And Washington came into town with their away whites and purple bottoms. THat game you couldn't tell the difference.

It force my UVA cavs to break out the white/white combo for the first time ever when they face BYU.

This was the chaos of the old BYU 'home' jerseys where they had a thing of white on their chest. And Washington came into town with their away whites and purple bottoms. THat game you couldn't tell the difference.

It force my UVA cavs to break out the white/white combo for the first time ever when they face BYU.

I was there at both those games, and they were both dandies. But it definitely didn't help that Nike screwed up the uniform colors, making them more purple than they should have been (they actually replaced the whole set a few games later). From the front, the only way you could really tell the difference at the UDub game was the helmets.

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I don't mean to be picky, but something in me gets unnerved when Tech's colors are described as yellow and black, or yellow and navy blue. Its officially white and gold.... the two primary colors they are wearing tonight, with navy accents and numerals.

I'm with you. I'm picky too, but it's kinda like when people refer to zero as "o" cuz living near Pitts, I hear of the black and gold when actually the Pens are the only ones in black and gold.

As far as telling the teams apart, it's easy to see by the jersey color. I just think the GT jerseys looked really bad in the night lights and covered in sweat/water. Also, it's not like they play each other every week. This will only happen a few times. Personally, I would think a team known as the yellow jackets would be black/yellow, but what do I know?

This was the chaos of the old BYU 'home' jerseys where they had a thing of white on their chest.  And Washington came into town with their away whites and purple bottoms.  THat game you couldn't tell the difference.

It force my UVA cavs to break out the white/white combo for the first time ever when they face BYU.

I was there at both those games, and they were both dandies. But it definitely didn't help that Nike screwed up the uniform colors, making them more purple than they should have been (they actually replaced the whole set a few games later). From the front, the only way you could really tell the difference at the UDub game was the helmets.

you got pictures of that game? i was going to post some from that game but can't find any on the net.


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