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The only passable concept here is the Missouri one (with the exception of the alternate uniform). Seriously, if you post the same stuff every time you crank out a concept, you're going to get the same critique, namely that it's more of the same crap that Nike has been foisting on college football programs across the country. Very piping-heavy, not much originality between schools (I could swear that your Michigan State and Texas concepts use the exact same template -- maybe with a few minor tweaks), and different-colored sleeves. All hallmarks of the much-maligned Nike templates.

Also, as a Wisconsin Badgers fan, I am required by law to hate everything involving Michigan's athletic program. However, I never want to see piping on a Michigan Wolverines concept ever again.


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All you're doing is recoloring a Nike template. That's not a concept, that's paint-by-number. Is there anything different about the Miami concept from what they're wearing now?

That off-color sleeve looks horrible on any team, regardless of color. It's not you, it's not anyone else who does the same idea. It's Nike.

It was a stupid idea of Nike to design it, and it's a stupid idea for anyone to wear it.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

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I don't mean to pile on here, but why are you using beatnik's template?


To avoid confusion, I'm talking about the template the uniforms are placed into, not the uniform template itself.

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I don't mean to pile on here, but why are you using beatnik's template?

To avoid confusion, I'm talking about the template the uniforms are placed into, not the uniform template itself.

Not exactly- bbasher heavily pixellated it first.

By the way, I would shoot myself if Michigan ever changed to the one-sleeve design.

And bbasher- you seem to be a guy with a lot of ideas... why don't you design a uniform rather than just coloring one in? I'm being serious, not sarcastic.

oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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I don't mean to pile on here, but why are you using beatnik's template?

To avoid confusion, I'm talking about the template the uniforms are placed into, not the uniform template itself.

Not exactly- bbasher heavily pixellated it first.

By the way, I would shoot myself if Michigan ever changed to the one-sleeve design.

And bbasher- you seem to be a guy with a lot of ideas... why don't you design a uniform rather than just coloring one in? I'm being serious, not sarcastic.

Its heavily pixellated because he probally used photoshop to re-colour it. As long as he asked im fine, but if not you guna have to find another template to use.


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The only passable concept here is the Missouri one (with the exception of the alternate uniform).  Seriously, if you post the same stuff every time you crank out a concept, you're going to get the same critique, namely that it's more of the same crap that Nike has been foisting on college football programs across the country.  Very piping-heavy, not much originality between schools (I could swear that your Michigan State and Texas concepts use the exact same template -- maybe with a few minor tweaks), and different-colored sleeves.  All hallmarks of the much-maligned Nike templates.

Also, as a Wisconsin Badgers fan, I am required by law to hate everything involving Michigan's athletic program.  However, I never want to see piping on a Michigan Wolverines concept ever again.

yeah why do you insist on almost every concept you make to have the diffrent colored sleeves :therock: that just puzzles me

just cause nike has those ugly sleeves that dosent mean you have to do what they do show some originality and and create something that will just will just blow are minds away i know u can do it just put that extra effort in it and wallah a good concept


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I don't mean to pile on here, but why are you using beatnik's template?

To avoid confusion, I'm talking about the template the uniforms are placed into, not the uniform template itself.

Not exactly- bbasher heavily pixellated it first.

By the way, I would shoot myself if Michigan ever changed to the one-sleeve design.

And bbasher- you seem to be a guy with a lot of ideas... why don't you design a uniform rather than just coloring one in? I'm being serious, not sarcastic.

Its heavily pixellated because he probally used photoshop to re-colour it. As long as he asked im fine, but if not you guna have to find another template to use.

You mean Paint. You can recolor stuff in Photoshop and keep it nice and smooth.

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does anybody understand the side of the mizzou jerseys? namely the away and the alt.? maybe it looks like something and my mind just isnt smart enough to see it yet. ok, for some critique of the work....blah blah blah blah same thing blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Nike blah blah different-colored shoulders blah blah blah blah everytime blah blah blah too much piping blah blah blah blah bib across the ass?

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Are u suppose to be a promoter for nike uniforms, or something....cause like, all of ur concepts are nike, and almost the exact template.

his name is J. Wilson

his number is 5

he's only 16, and thus, unemployable by Nike outside of East Asia

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