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I have quite a few, some normal, some weird:

-The right skate always goes on before the left one. Same for gloves.

-Kiss the toe of my stick. (I'm the only person on my team who still uses a wood stick. Sherwood PMP 7000!)

-Shin pads have to be cold, but dry. If they're wet, I won't put them on.

-I need at least 3 minutes of silence before a game, but after I get done with my equipment.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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When batting, when I first step into the batter's box, I dig my left cleat into the dirt twice, then my right cleat twice, then I have three semi-mock swings while lifting my left foot. It's just a habit that gets me used to being there...and it's not quite Nomar-ish...it only takes about 5 seconds. :P

When shooting a free throw, I spin the ball back to me three times while lifting my left foot, dribble twice, and shoot. Again, it's to get me oriented (center my qi? :P) and it only takes about 5 seconds.

I also prefer to wear mismatched knee-high socks to match whatever uniform I'm wearing. (Example, my church basketball team wore orange jerseys with white numbers...I wore one orange sock and one white sock) ^_^


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For hockey:

- Gotta have Big League Chew(Outta Here Original)...no questions asked(although i didn't have it today, and I had 4 goals in a 9-2 victory)

- I always wear baseball socks, either my blue ones, or preferably my black ones.

- I usually have my cutoff Mighty Mouse shirt on under the jersey

- During warmups, I don't wear my helmet, just a backwards Angels hat...usually my "Brown Marlin" Franchise hat.

- I also never stretch for some reason...never pulled anything. *knocks on wood*

For baseball:

- I have to have my pants perfect...I have them stop basically at my knee, socks the rest of the way.

- No batting gloves

- I wear my glove halfway off my hand...like at the bottom knuckle of my thumb. I don't know why I do this, but I'm a good fielder, so I don't question.

- In the field, I usually sprint out to the outfield...kinda like John Rocker

- When walking to the plate, I hold my bat by the end, then slide it until my hand reaches the handle. To better explain, think of a lightsaber from Star Wars...that's kinda how it looks, I suppose

- If I start doing badly at the plate(which was practically every time), I'd talk to my bat and usually end up hitting myself in the helmet with it.

- Also, when coming to the plate, I tapped my toes, Nomar-style.

- I also stand swinging the bat like a pendulum below my waste until the pitcher goes into the windup, then I bring the bat up and tip it once(like Sheffield/Bonds), and go from there.....maybe this is why I was such an awful hitter. I was always one of the top fielders on my team though

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