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Rethinking My Indian Logo


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First, the top logo is the previous one, the bottom is the one that is currently in progress. I decided to make it more bold and less cartoony. Now, I know it looks very incomplete, but that's why it's here, I'm not sure where to go from here and I'm turning to you guys for help.

So feel free to help me along here:


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wow, i think they're both great, but as you said the old one was cartoony.

the only thing that i can think of right now is to add more feathers below the head to give a 3D effect. I'm not sure how it would look, but if i were you, i'd keep playing around until something looked good.

either way, your new logo looks great, but does look like it needs something

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I think you need to go a different direction with the facial expression. I understand the whole "strong, silent type" expression you're going for but unfortunately in today's society it ends up looking like one of those Myspace pics. I wholeheartedly support the different perspective on it and even if you don't change the facial expression, it's still a quality logo. (**) x5


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Thanks guys. I changed a few things:

-The facial expression is under construction. I'm trying to make him angry without going too far because one of our school administrators apparently thought the early drafts of my last logo was depicting Native Americans as angry and violent...

-I cleaned up the lines because they looked a bit sloppy to me after a few looks at it.

-It's now vegas gold instead of yellow as I know (and just thought about it) our school is in that direction with our sports uniforms.

Have at it:


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the facial expression reads mor as sleepy than angry... make the eye spaces look more like shadows cast by his brow, less like downturned eyelids perhaps...

and the headdress is really bothering me. it looked fine in profile, but now that you have more like a head-on to 3/4 view, it doesn't sit right. just looks mushed up in a strange way. I would recommend looking at some pics of how it would accurately sit at such an angle... either that, or going back to the original profile and working the face there....

I like the colors better, and the idea is sound, but I think some of the details of correct angle and anatomy need to be attended to... all the design work in the world will be for naught if the underlying drawing is not correct to start with.

just my $.02.... hope it helps...

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Way to go man! Excellent stuff!

A few small things that would make this an A+:

(1) on the left side of the face, it looks as if he has a sideburn. I don't think i've ever seen an Indian logo with 'burns, so i would change that....

(2) i would make the hair more pointy instead of squaring off the bottom. IMO it would make it more realistic.

(3) i would bend the feathers to match the face. as you have it, it looks like a 2-D headress with a 3-D face. example...





I hope you understand what I am saying.... You are on your way to having a 5 star logo....

Keep it up

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I'm indian, ancestry from India.

That logo, its native...get it right for the ****'n billionth time people.

Sorry man. That's the name of the team, nothing I can do about it. It's been that way for decades. But I don't want a big argument brought up in my thread, I'm just looking for critique.

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I'm indian, ancestry from India.

That logo, its native...get it right for the ****'n billionth time people.

Sorry man. That's the name of the team, nothing I can do about it. It's been that way for decades. But I don't want a big argument brought up in my thread, I'm just looking for critique.

My bad, centuries versus one of the oldest relgions and peoples on earth. Forgot which one was longer.

This is why the only team i respect with a native cheif head logo is the Blackhawks, they don't have the name indian in it becuase they are not as stupid, retarded or inconsiderate as the other teams and schools or whatever it may be.

Hawks will always have the best chief head in my books, because they dont use the title "indian" in it.


5x Stanley Cup Champions

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I'm indian, ancestry from India.

That logo, its native...get it right for the ****'n billionth time people.

Sorry man. That's the name of the team, nothing I can do about it. It's been that way for decades. But I don't want a big argument brought up in my thread, I'm just looking for critique.

My bad, centuries versus one of the oldest relgions and peoples on earth. Forgot which one was longer.

This is why the only team i respect with a native cheif head logo is the Blackhawks, they don't have the name indian in it becuase they are not as stupid, retarded or inconsiderate as the other teams and schools or whatever it may be.

Hawks will always have the best chief head in my books, because they dont use the title "indian" in it.

Calm down, it's a concept for the Indians because that's his schools athletics name. I never use the term Indian for Native Americans, except when a Native American branded team uses the name Indian. Just because Columbus made a mistake dosen't mean if someone uses the term Indian for Native Americans, they want to kill everyone from the Indian Subcontinent.

Also, Indian isn't a religion and the Illini, among many others use a chiefhead but don't call their team the Indians.

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