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Eww, sorry, but no. I'd take the newly redesigned one over that. It's way too plain, no creativity involved, and quite frankly it looks like you slapped it together in about 2 minutes... <_<

are u new here? this is just another JJWAY classic


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i see where you are comming with this, but the problem is you have a large swath of yellow on the arms and yolk and a large swath of blue everywhere else with no real striping to break the monotny of both colors. Yellow should not have that much presence on a jersey, it should be limited to trim and accent colors. But if that is your aim to have yellow and blue together like that, then you need to add at the least some striping maybe add silver as an accent color. I do suggest if this is the direction you want to go with the design, i would go in the direction of the Flyers. I rather see a flyers knock off thats executed well than see a concept that was slapped together and lacks execution. if anything this really looks not finished, and i know you can do more than that.



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Eww, sorry, but no. I'd take the newly redesigned one over that. It's way too plain, no creativity involved, and quite frankly it looks like you slapped it together in about 2 minutes... <_<

are u new here? this is just another JJWAY classic


Hmmm, his join date is only a few days after yours. Talk about the pot and the :censored:ing kettle :rolleyes:

Back to the concept, this is another one where it looks like you just colored in different panels of the template with minimal thought as to how it would look. Please, if you're just starting out with design, do some research into uniform precedents (i.e. colors, shoulder yokes, striping patterns, etc.). If you try and reinvent the wheel, you get stuff like this.


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Hybrids from different eras usually don't work well design-wise.

The yellow shoulders/sleeves really don't work for me.

Curious about how the roadies would look.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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Just something to think about

Here's something for you to think about.

How about you actually give a full and complete effort on a concept before you post it. You're not creating anything from scratch here, you're taking a template, coloring some stuff in, slapping some logos, typing some text and throwing it all toghether. So why is it so g-d damn difficult to make it look like you actually give a damn instead of continually wasting everyone's time with this crap.

Yes, I knew it would look like crap when I saw that you posted another concept, but I was hoping against hope that you would actually internalize some of the things that many of the guys up here...especially the other paint users...utilize to make their concepts.

Download the gimp, download inkscape, do something. Ask some questions to the guys up here (I do not mean that you need to ask, "Hey guys how do you make these concepts look good?) about certain techniques and styles. Pay careful attention to everything you do, because someone will grill you. ASIDE: Just today, a designer, who is sort of a mentor to me in a way, actually used the phrase "your [work] sucks." Why? Because I did not pay enough attention to a particular aspect of the concept. I didn't give the design process the respect it demanded and dude called me on it. I was taken aback, but he was completely right about me needing to give that extra little bit of effort. He's still my dog, and I still love him.

Yes, this is being critical of you and your effort, but I don't want this to seem to you as though I'm just bitching about it, I am trying to offer solutions. I love the fact that this is a place that people come to post their designs, critique others' work, and even request/contract design work, but I hate what concepts like yours do to the credibility of the community. Does anyone even realize that every piece like this lowers the credibility of the site just a tad? Some of the greatest work ever done by some of the members are never seen here, because they know it will just get lost under a steaming pile of :censored: that gets 100x more attention than the stuff that's actually good.

To recap:

1) Please finish your concepts before you post them.

2) Please integrate what people are telling you into your designs.

3) If you feel paint hinders you, get another program. There are free options.

4) Ask legitimate questions of the designers here. They usually are very helpful.

5) Do better work. It makes you look better. It makes the CCSLC look better.

Thank you for your time and attention (and yes, I know I suck, I'm mean, I'm an ass hole, and I am being too hard on the kid). You've got some thinking to do.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Dont give Patsox any ideas!


But seriously, you should really listen to Greg and everyone. They know what theyre talking about. {The exact same thing happened to me, so i know what im talking about}

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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How about you actually give a full and complete effort on a concept before you post it.  You're not creating anything from scratch here, you're taking a template, coloring some stuff in, slapping some logos, typing some text and throwing it all toghether.  So why is it so g-d damn difficult to make it look like you actually give a damn instead of continually wasting everyone's time with this crap.

Yes, I knew it would look like crap when I saw that you posted another concept, but I was hoping against hope that you would actually internalize some of the things that many of the guys up here...especially the other paint users...utilize to make their concepts.

Download the gimp, download inkscape, do something.  Ask some questions to the guys up here (I do not mean that you need to ask, "Hey guys how do you make these concepts look good?) about certain techniques and styles.  Pay careful attention to everything you do, because someone will grill you.  ASIDE: Just today, a designer, who is sort of a mentor to me in a way, actually used the phrase "your [work] sucks."  Why?  Because I did not pay enough attention to a particular aspect of the concept.  I didn't give the design process the respect it demanded and dude called me on it.  I was taken aback, but he was completely right about me needing to give that extra little bit of effort.  He's still my dog, and I still love him. 

Yes, this is being critical of you and your effort, but I don't want this to seem to you as though I'm just bitching about it, I am trying to offer solutions.  I love the fact that this is a place that people come to post their designs, critique others' work, and even request/contract design work, but I hate what concepts like yours do to the credibility of the community.  Does anyone even realize that every piece like this lowers the credibility of the site just a tad?  Some of the greatest work ever done by some of the members are never seen here, because they know it will just get lost under a steaming pile of  :censored: that gets 100x more attention than the stuff that's actually good.

To recap:

1) Please finish your concepts before you post them.

2) Please integrate what people are telling you into your designs.

3) If you feel paint hinders you, get another program.  There are free options.

4) Ask legitimate questions of the designers here.  They usually are very helpful.

5) Do better work.  It makes you look better.  It makes the CCSLC look better.

Thank you for your time and attention (and yes, I know I suck, I'm mean, I'm an ass hole, and I am being too hard on the kid).  You've got some thinking to do.

Greg, typing that response probably took 3 times longer than JJWAY spent on his "concept."


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If I didn't want you to get better, or at least try, I wouldn't post this:

My First Concept.

It sucked, no one liked it, it was rather plain, and it was just panels coloured in, with a few diagonal lines for good measure.

See any similarities?

If you're going to make strides towards putting effort into things, now might be the time.

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