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Dirty Water Designs


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Version 2

Better or Worse?

C&C please


I like it.

I would still try a few versions with different fonts, but I like the concept as a whole.

I would consider a darker chade of teal, maybe a little more greyish...

What is the creative behind the name? why dirty water?

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

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i would try a ripple or wave effect with the text and see how that turns out. at least something eye catching. Think Dr. Pepper or Sprite, the logos are eye catching. Maybe try out some crazy ass fonts ( the legible ones preferably). It also needs to be a logo you can transfer to different mediums like a polo t-shirt or a business header. the best way you can tell you are on the right direction is if the logo can translate on to a uniform for your employes like a Sears, Wal-Mart or Target logo.



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It's not bad. It could use a more interesting font, like the others said, but this is a good start.

I'm a little confused though, is it dirty water designs, or dirtywater designs? Because on the latest version you've made it one word.

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heres something i put together. its nothing final but a general idea where to go with you design company logo. its an uber-simplistic idea though and definately could use some stylization and pizazz. Since you are a graphics artist you shouldn't have any problem with that. if anything its a base to work with if you choose.




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