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Second Try At Uniforms With Head and Arms


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Here is my second attempt to combine the football and baseball templates together to create a football template with head/helmet and arms....This time I did it in Illustrator, so I can make a better attempt at changes that may be suggested...

I would like honest opinions on what you think about it....Please, just comment or make suggestions and don't bicker amongst yourselves like the last time....

Thanks to Bigdub81 for the inspiration and to the creators of the templates...






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He has such short upper arms.  If you attempted to give him and the template sleeves, it didn't turn out to well.

I was actually thinking the same thing with the upper arms....They would appear short the way they look now....I'm working on that right as we speak....I'm trying to make more elbow showing to give the appearance of longer upper arms....The arms seem to be giving me problems by trying to scale them properly....I'm working with it, so bear with me...


Here's an update.....Hopefully the arms look at least a bit better....




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Yeah, there's no way that guy could successfully masturbate.

But wow, thanks a million for creating a new football template. I appreciate it. Any chance you can make it more raster-friendly by dropping the shading out?

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Okay.....This will be the last update for the night, but I've been trying to keep up with the suggestions thus far...I appreciate all of them...They do help and have made sense so far...

I lengthened the arms a bit more, but not quite as far as they should be....The arms appear to be somewhat bent at an angle in the baseball template....I'm trying not to get too out of proportion with them, since I made the arms bigger overall from the baseball template...

I also narrowed the sleeves so they fit tighter around the upper arm....I don't know if it looks any better to anyone else, but I think it does...

Yes, I can make a shadowless raster version of it when I get it completed to everyone's satisfaction...I'd like to make it look as good and realistic as possible...





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To me it appears as though his head is a little bit too big and that his arms are also a tad too wide.


You would know...I believe the uniform and helmets were originally from your templates.....I'll mess with the head/helmet and slim the arms a tad and see what happens....

Thanks for your awesome templates...




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This is supposed to be a C&C session, not a show and tell session....although I laughed my ass off when I saw those two together...*lol*...Thanks for the laugh Roxstarmedia...

C'mon....I'm really tryin' here.....I'm a total amateur at Illustrator and I am fumbling my way through it....I am making a little bit of progress....I'm learning little small things as I go....

WEEMAN RULES!!!!!! *lol*




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Okay.....This will be the last update for the night, but I've been trying to keep up with the suggestions thus far...I appreciate all of them...They do help and have made sense so far...

I lengthened the arms a bit more, but not quite as far as they should be....The arms appear to be somewhat bent at an angle in the baseball template....I'm trying not to get too out of proportion with them, since I made the arms bigger overall from the baseball template...

I also narrowed the sleeves so they fit tighter around the upper arm....I don't know if it looks any better to anyone else, but I think it does...

Yes, I can make a shadowless raster version of it when I get it completed to everyone's satisfaction...I'd like to make it look as good and realistic as possible...



I think his arms still look a little weird. Maybe put the elbow lower on his arm so his upper arm isn't so short. And his neck should be a little longer. But, the overall template looks really good.


J M yoU wish you had a Duke Dog!

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The wrist should be at the same point as the waist. Also to get the porportions right, should should measure from head to toe by measuring using the size of the head. It should be around 7, or at least that's what I've been told for years and it seems to work. Keep at it!



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Here's another update....

I did raise the head so his neck is a little longer...I already tried making the arms shorter so the upper arm doesn't seem disproportionate, but everyone else thinks they should be longer, which I agree....

Let me know what you think of this update...I'll keep working with the suggestions you make....





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