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Stingray Logo


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i have been working on this logo for a while now, and i think it is high time i got some good feedback on it so i can take it to the next level. let me know what to fix, what to completely redo, and what to scrap altogether. be mean to me if you need to, anything will help. this is for a baseball team, i know that makes a difference to some of you. thanks in advance.


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I think the tail looks awkward coming from the position it currently is in and the way it splits off...have you tried anything else with it? Another thing I noticed was the way the sting ray looked too "nice"...maybe because it seems to have a smile? Possibily making that portion of the rays body (nostril, whatever...) wider or arc out more so it doesn't appear to have a smile-look? Besides that I think it looks very good and prob even better once the wordmark is in place.

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i agreed about the tail, but when i made it point up it looked to me like some sort of antennae, and when it comes off the direct bottom of the ray, it makes it look really wierd, plus it makes the logo taller, so on a cap or BP jersey it would take up too much room if placed correctly. that positioning was literally the best i could find, and i tried many. anybody with any more ideas, feel free to tell me where to put the tail. the mouth/smile is something i have been messing around with, i have a new version i will post once i get the wordmark set, and it doesnt look like it is smiling as much. with a snout/nose like that you cant really avoid it. thanks, and keep the feedback coming, it is helping a lot.

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ok, i added the wordmark, moved the tail a little bit, added some blue to the tail, and fixed the mouth/snout a little. let me know how it looks. oh, and about the wordmark...that is my name because this is for a school project, and we were assigned to brand ourselves in anyway possible, so i am branding myself as a sports team, because i thought it would be unique. my teacher is having me use my name, not pluralizing my last name, or using a city, so i decided to play off my last name and use a stingray to be my mascot. i know the wordmark needs work, but i dont know what, so i am stuck. maybe no italics? maybe a different arrangement? let me know please. thanks to all that have helped so far.


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Yeah I'd agree with dropping the tail totally unless it can work in a better way because it still seems to look like a snake's tongue or something...I dunno. The wordmark is okay but maybe try some alternates? If not, then maybe bump the "DDI" up even with the top of the double E's so you get some seperation between that A that's touching EDDIE? I think trying a new font might be a good idea just because due to the letters used, it seems the fonts are different from the top and bottom wordmarks...maybe it's just me.

I don't mean to knock your concept in any way cause I think it's really good like everyone else says, I'm just trying to put my two cents in and I hope you can figure out a way to make that tail work but if you've tried lots of different options then I'm sure you've got it the best you can but maybe let's take a look without? :notworthy:

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Looks like the manta from Finding Nemo. Needs some more attitude, and could be better at a different perspective with more motion.

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I say that I don't like it, because you're minimizing the look of the Stingray itself by coming head on like that. It's like using a football in a logo but having it come at you headon so all you're seeing is a circle.

Now, the craftmanship of the logo itself is good but taking away what makes the stingray a stingray sort of kills it for me.

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I say that I don't like it, because you're minimizing the look of the Stingray itself by coming head on like that. It's like using a football in a logo but having it come at you headon so all you're seeing is a circle.

Now, the craftmanship of the logo itself is good but taking away what makes the stingray a stingray sort of kills it for me.

I think Puck's got a point here...there are probably better views of a Stingray that might work out a little better.

That said, the tail looks really, really awkward to me. It doesn't give the right perspective, meaning, it doesn't look like it's behind the stingray. THe wordmark could be much better....that font just doesn't seem to fit to me. Something more intimidating would probably work better than what you've got(looks like the Hard Rock Cafe font, actually).

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when i started with this i intended to have a different view of the stingray as an alternate, but it looks like that view should be the primary, and this should either be thrown out or used as an alternate. anyway, because i dont have that other view quite done yet, here is the head-on ray with tail on top, then the other side on top, then no tail at all.




i will be posting the new view soon, and some wordmarks to choose from after that.

thanks for all the help so far, i never get this much good input in class so this is very helpful.

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I like the middle one with its position but still think the tail could use some work...maybe where it turns is naggin' me? Or it reminds me of a snake's tongue? Better job I think on the positioning though...

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ok, so i have an update ready. i used the middle one, with the tail going to the top right, because that is the only opinion i got. i will have a version soon with a new tail. i have a new wordmark, and a new color. i am not sold on the color or wordmark yet, so please let me know what you think. once again, all the help is greatly appreciated.


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