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Star war or star trek


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I'm just glad Spaceballs isn't among the choices.

Now THAT is a funny movie. That and Robin Hood: Men in Tights are my favourite Mel Brooks movies. Didn't like Blazing Saddles much at all... the Frankenstein one was just weird.

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Blazin' Saddles, Funniest Movie Ever!

Spaceballs, Funniest Movie Ever...

ummm.. i have alot of funniest movies ever......

Anyways, no question, it's Star Wars.. but a word to the wise, don't become an obsessive geek about this crap.. it'll only make you lame and prevent you from getting laid for a good 5 years....

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Star Wars was my childhood, everyone in the neighborhood had some odd figures and/or vehicles.

i do like the original Star Trek TV shows also.

for Mel Brooks, Blazing Saddles is very funny.  check into "History of the World, Pt. 1" if you have not seen it, pure Mel Brooks in his heyday.

*Jim Rome voiceover "It's Classic"*

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Star Wars better then Star Trek it is hmmm.

I even think the Prequals are better then Star Trek.

4 of the 5 Star Wars movies were really good Episode 1 was a little mediocre.

While several of the Star Trek Movies sucked including Part 1, and 9.



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I voted for StarWars although I gotta say my #1 favorite sci-fi series is Babylon 5.

As for funny movies:

Monty Python Search for the Holy Grail


History of the World Part 1

Space Balls


Mystery Science Theater 3000 - every one of their shows is based around a cheesy B-Movie...so they win by sheer volume

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The only two movies out the entire fifteen between the two series are The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.  I'm not a fan of the Star Trek series.  (I've seen maybe a couple of episodes from each series, thought not really on purpose.)  I've never seen any of the Star Trek movies.  Couldn't care for them either.

I HATE the original Star Wars trilogy.  The special effects, while mindblowing for the 1970's are dull and timid.  The plot progresses agonizingly slow.  All fight scenes are lackluster and not the least bit exciting.  There seems to be a severe lack of color in the entire trilogy.  (Espcially in The Empire Strikes Back, which I will also add is the one SW film that I've yet to watch in it's entirety cause it's so boring.)  Practically any hope I had for enjoying the trilogy was spoiled God knows how many times by everything before I even set eyes on it for the first time in April 1997.  And I HATE HATE HATE HATE the opening theme song from all the movies.

That said, I enjoy the new trilogy very much, in spite of the theme song.  The action is brisk.  The characters are new (even if we know their fate).  The special effects are great.

I can't for the life of me figure out why everybody hates Jar Jar Binks so much.  He may be clumsly, but that's the only fault I can think of.  Which leads to my theory on the basis on the entire original trilogy:

I believe Senator Palpatine really is a good guy.  I don't think he is Darth Sideous.  I think Darth Sideous is really Jar Jar Binks as a changeling of Palpatine.  At the end of episode 3, Jar Jar has his revenge by killing the Senator, destorying Naboo for being banished and takes control of the army and brings his best friend Ani along for the ride.  That would be the penultimate mind-f*** if ever there was one!

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

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My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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it's well interesting...I think it'll end up blowing like episode 1 did, never bothered to see episode II. whenever I think of trek, i think trekkies. man, sorry to anyone who really follows the series, but that looks like a sad life...i read somewhere that theres a city in the States that actually owned by trekkies...its enough to give me nightmares
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The problem with episode 3 is that to a large extent we already know the major thing that will happen, ie Anakin will turn into Darth Vader at some point. For me the interest in episodes 1 2 and 3 is in seeing what comes before the originals. As for the originals having dodgy special effects, thats fine by me, as they are great stories and brilliantly told. And if it makes me a geek to say it fine!


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