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Oakland A's


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I would rather them continue to be the Oakland Athletics but if I had to change the name I would chose the California Athletics. I just like the sound of that.

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San Jose is supposed to belong to the Giants, though. Magowan will have a fit. At least with the Angels fiasco, they had the same territorial rights as the Dodgers since they were meant to be the American League's Los Angeles representative. For some reason, the Giants and A's don't have the same Bay Area territory.

The Giants do have a MiLB affiliate in San Jose. The San Jose Giants.

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Does anybody know if they've come to dislike the powers that be in Oakland enough that they really want to change the name?

Fremont is probably too bad an idea for marketing.

California A's doesn't sound bad. Too bad they're extending the poor joke of the "of Anaheim" idea. I can't imagine anyone thinking that sounds Major League.

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If it were up to me, I'd make it a mandate that all major pro teams carry the name of the locale they actually play in. So not only would we have the Freemont A's, but we'd have the Auburn Hills Pistons, Landover Redskins, Glendale Coyotes, etc. Maybe gettin' stuck with the name of a crappy suburb would cause teams to think twice about jumpin' on the urban sprawl bandwagon.

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If it were up to me, I'd make it a mandate that all major pro teams carry the name of the locale they actually play in. So not only would we have the Freemont A's, but we'd have the Auburn Hills Pistons, Landover Redskins, Glendale Coyotes, etc. Maybe gettin' stuck with the name of a crappy suburb would cause teams to think twice about jumpin' on the urban sprawl bandwagon.

That's a stupid rule.

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If it were up to me, I'd make it a mandate that all major pro teams carry the name of the locale they actually play in. So not only would we have the Freemont A's, but we'd have the Auburn Hills Pistons, Landover Redskins, Glendale Coyotes, etc. Maybe gettin' stuck with the name of a crappy suburb would cause teams to think twice about jumpin' on the urban sprawl bandwagon.

That's a stupid rule.

Thank you for that astute insight. :rolleyes:

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Well, how much do you want me to write on a topic that's been beaten to death for years on this board? Teams represent the entire metropolitan area as well as the anchor city, and if for some reason the team cannot obtain a venue within city limits, I won't hold that against them. I'm certain the Patriots would be in Boston proper if there was a place in Boston to put a large football stadium and the necessary parking facilities. There's not always real estate just hanging around waiting to be exploited by sports teams. The Detroit Pistons are still Detroit's team, even though they're not in the city itself. Can you blame them?

This "South Bay A's of Fremont in the Silicon Valley" thing to appeal to more people is stupid. The Oakland Athletics will still be Oakland's team, this just means everybody is schlepping out to the suburbs instead of going to the Oakland Coliseum. Giants fans in Santa Clara aren't going to say "wow, I feel so included by these Bay Area A's!" This isn't like the Anaheim Angels-->Los Angeles Angels switch because unlike that move, which attached them to their anchor city, this is going from the anchor city to some convoluted vague location, sacrificing the brand recognition of "The Oakland A's." The best change here is no change at all.

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If it were up to me, I'd make it a mandate that all major pro teams carry the name of the locale they actually play in. So not only would we have the Freemont A's, but we'd have the Auburn Hills Pistons, Landover Redskins, Glendale Coyotes, etc. Maybe gettin' stuck with the name of a crappy suburb would cause teams to think twice about jumpin' on the urban sprawl bandwagon.

That's a stupid rule.

Thank you for that astute insight. :rolleyes:

he's correct, however. it's a stupid rule if i've ever heard one.

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But using those designations infringes on territories that might not be their own. The Giants might have something to say about the A's being Northern California's team. The Southern California part is a little different, because the Angels and Dodgers have the same territory, but then you have the Padres in there.

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If it were up to me, I'd make it a mandate that all major pro teams carry the name of the locale they actually play in. So not only would we have the Freemont A's, but we'd have the Auburn Hills Pistons, Landover Redskins, Glendale Coyotes, etc. Maybe gettin' stuck with the name of a crappy suburb would cause teams to think twice about jumpin' on the urban sprawl bandwagon.

That's a stupid rule.

Thank you for that astute insight. :rolleyes:

he's correct, however. it's a stupid rule if i've ever heard one.

If a city is good enough for a team to want to identify themself by it, then that city is good enough to play in. It's completely ridiculous that a team like the Pistons gets to call itself "Detroit" when they play in a crappy suburb that's 45 minutes away from the actual city (and don't get me started on the absurd ticket prices that are way out of the budget of most real Detroiters).

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so you think the dallas cowboys should put a stadium downtown?

i hope no one needs an ambulence on sundays, because there's no way in hell they're getting through the traffic.

Downtown is the only part of Dallas where they could possibly build a stadium?

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I like the San Jose Athletics

Engine, Engine, Number Nine, on the New York transit line,

If my train goes off the track, pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up!

Back on the scene, crispy and clean,

You can try, but then why, 'cause you can't intervene.

We be the outcast, down for the settle. Won't play the rock, won't play the pebble.

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If a city is good enough for a team to want to identify themself by it, then that city is good enough to play in. It's completely ridiculous that a team like the Pistons gets to call itself "Detroit" when they play in a crappy suburb that's 45 minutes away from the actual city (and don't get me started on the absurd ticket prices that are way out of the budget of most real Detroiters).

Auburn Hills is a nice suburb. Detroit is a crappy city. If you think about who can afford NBA games and who can't, and where they'd like to attend said games, it makes a hell of a lot more sense to just stay in the suburbs than to venture into that warzone. I'm sorry that "most real Detroiters" can't afford to go to a Pistons game, but don't you think this is a problem for "most real Los Angelenos," "most real Charlotteans," or "most real Atlantans"? Paying out the ass for sports tickets is nothing new.

For the millionth time, teams represent an entire metropolis, not just one city. It can't be as cut-and-dry as "if you are not exactly within the city limits..." etc.

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Auburn Hills is a nice suburb. Detroit is a crappy city. If you think about who can afford NBA games and who can't, and where they'd like to attend said games, it makes a hell of a lot more sense to just stay in the suburbs than to venture into that warzone. I'm sorry that "most real Detroiters" can't afford to go to a Pistons game, but don't you think this is a problem for "most real Los Angelenos," "most real Charlotteans," or "most real Atlantans"? Paying out the ass for sports tickets is nothing new.

For the millionth time, teams represent an entire metropolis, not just one city. It can't be as cut-and-dry as "if you are not exactly within the city limits..." etc.

In other words, everything should cater to a bunch of scared-ass, racist white people just because they have money.

Funny how the Joe is right in the middle of this "war zone" and the Wings don't seem to have any trouble drawing.

BTW, Detroit isn't crappy at all for those who know how to enjoy it. But more importantly, no one would even give a s*** about Auburn Hills was if it wasn't for Detroit. The 'burbs need the city, not the other way around...

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Auburn Hills is a nice suburb. Detroit is a crappy city. If you think about who can afford NBA games and who can't, and where they'd like to attend said games, it makes a hell of a lot more sense to just stay in the suburbs than to venture into that warzone. I'm sorry that "most real Detroiters" can't afford to go to a Pistons game, but don't you think this is a problem for "most real Los Angelenos," "most real Charlotteans," or "most real Atlantans"? Paying out the ass for sports tickets is nothing new.

This is the most ignorant comment I have ever seen on this board. When is the last time you went to Detroit? The Detroit Tigers and Detroit Lions play in beautiful new stadiums across the street from each other. The area is not a war zone, but a beautiful downtown area that includes many theatres, restaurants and parks. When you talk about real Detroiters not being able to buy tickets, it is a thinly veiled racist comment. For the last time, if you're from the suburbs and denigrate the City of Detroit, you are only hurting yourself. People from the rest of the U.S. won't make the distinction between the suburbs and the city. The reputation of the entire region is harmed by ignorant jackasses like you.


Everyone loves a roundel.

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