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A song for the hollidays


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All I wants for Christmas is a new head coach, a new head coach, yes a new head coach gee if the DOlphins only had a new head coach then they d be going to the playoffs.

When the seaons began the Dolphins had Super Bowl dreams, but Dave Wannstedt is our coach and he dont know what he is doing.

All I wants for Christmas is a new head coach, a new head coach, yes a new head coach gee if the Dolphins only had a new head coach then they d be going to the playoffs.

The Dolphisn have all the talent in the world a decent QB an All Pro RB, and a Solid D with a great secondary, but Dave Wannstedt is clueless and they always make the wrong plays.

If the DOlphins had a new Head Coach then they would in teh Super Bowl oooooooooooooh

All I wants for Christmas is a new head coach, a new head coach, yes a new head coach gee if the DOlphins only had a new head coach then they d be going to the playoffs.

Sorry had to get taht out of my system



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Dolphins Suck.

just had to get that out of my system. :P

I thought Dolphins BLOW?!? :D

i can't keep up with who 'sucks' and who 'blows' anymore, it changes so often now.

Hugh Hefner has the same problem, I hear.  But I think that has to do with his age.

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Surely Dolphins have to suck and blow???

And I find it interesting that the two coaches who are being bitched about the most on this board at the moment are Mike Martz and Dave Wannstedt, whose teams are still in real playoff contention and may yet end up as superbowl champions. Fair enough that doesn't mean either is a great head coach, but surely a season has to be viewed as a whole and if you are still in contention maybe its best to lay off the head coach a little?? (Wannstedt in particular has been consistent in his 4 years as the 'fins coach, and has a decent enough record.)


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Dave Wannstedt failed in Chicago and he was also head of personnel decisions there from 1993-1998, the Bears have yet to recover.

Wannstedt took over the Dolphins in 2000

2000 Dolphins won AFC East won 1 playoff game lost in Divsion Round.

2001 Dolphins Wild Card lost in first Round

2002 Dolphins 9-7 late season collapse miss playoffs

2003 Dolphins 8-6 playoffs unlikely.

In 4 years the Dolphins have diminished each year if that is not a reason to be fired then Coaches should never lose their jobs.

Jay Fiedler is a decent enough QB and if you have a star runbner like Ricky Williams you could win with a Fiedler but its the play calling countless time the Dolphins seem confused late in close games as they try to get a play in.



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The Bears had been declining before Wannstedt got there for some time!! Ditka moght be remembered as the coach of the great 85 team, but he also coached some pretty average teams!!

I am not saying Wannstedt shouldn't go, but he, they could still get to 10-6, and you consider yourselves unlucky not to be in the play offs with a 10-6 record!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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No that should not be good enough this team always maanges to lose 2 or 3 games a year they should win, and 10-6 is not good enough.


Texans game, stupid interception by Fiedler, puts Texans in range

1st Patriots game, 2 missed Figgies by Mare

2nd Patriots game, stupid interception by Fiedler gives NE a touchdown

That's three games they "should have won", no fault of Wannstedd in those....

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No that should not be good enough this team always maanges to lose 2 or 3 games a year they should win, and 10-6 is not good enough.


Texans game, stupid interception by Fiedler, puts Texans in range

1st Patriots game, 2 missed Figgies by Mare

2nd Patriots game, stupid interception by Fiedler gives NE a touchdown

That's three games they "should have won", no fault of Wannstedd in those....

well maybe if he didn't have Fiedler in those games!!!!

I do take Tanks point about Wannstedt, but if the 'Fins got to say 9-7, assuming they split there last two games, given his previous record can they really fire him?? I reckon he would consider himself a bit unlucky.

Is Dave Wannstedt the next coach of the Arizona Cardinals?


2011/12 WFL Champions

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The Dolphins have higher standars they other NFL teams. When you are good for a long time success is measure in how you do in the playoffs, and missig the playoffs 2 straight seasons means the Coach has to go.

I never wanted them to hire this jackass in the first place he is ill suited to be a head coach.



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The Dolphins have higher standars they other NFL teams. When you are good for a long time success is measure in how you do in the playoffs, and missig the playoffs 2 straight seasons means the Coach has to go.

I never wanted them to hire this jackass in the first place he is ill suited to be a head coach.

The Dolphins do high standards, the same can't be said of the Cardinals. I'm sure Wanstedt will re-surface somewhere else! :D Get it? Dolphins? Re-surface? *sigh* *walks out quitely*

I saw, I came, I left.

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I could have not said it any better In the End. Wannstedt abonds teh running game too quckly sometiems and just seems to have a confused game plan. Ill never forget the game the lost in New Engalnd at the end of last season. The Dolphins were in the midst of blowing a bg lead in the 4th quarter, but they still had a 3 point lead with less tehn 2 minutes left.

If I recall correctly they were deep in their own territory with less then 2 mins aleft and instead of handing off to Ricky they try 3 passes and take like only 11 seconds off the clock before being forced to punt



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