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The Quebec Nordiques Concept


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I made a quick concept in MS apint with the new rbk swift...

I dreamt of the new NHL Nordiques...

I took the logo of the Winnipeg Blizzards (a concept posted on this site few months ago...) turn it 90 degrees to the right, and now the logo is a snow flake pointing to the northeast (as the northeastern team in the NHL), the snow flake looks like a fleur-de-lys, Quebec floral emblem.

Basics colors are Navy Blue and Light Blue (Actually I'm thinking of the Rimouski Océanic Blue)

Alternate Color could be gold as Quebec City official color.

I'm in at the early stage of this concept, if any idea you have, do not hesitate.



It Should Be Lawful for the Queen of Hockey Land, by and with the Advice and the Consent of the Sinners and the House of Pain, to Make Laws for Pucks, Hot Dogs and Good Government...

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That was my concept :P. As for yours I think its pretty good. Its really rough in terms of detail and whatnot but it has potental. I would suggest cleaning it up a bit and adding an alternate. Also I dont really see how the snowflake looks like a fleur-de-lys but could you point it out to me.

Cat Eyes - Josh B)


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a couple things..

why did you give my template a dose of viagra, its gigantic.

and, i'm partially glad the Nordiques left Quebec when they did, I love their old look. The new wolves head was ugly and just a major downgrade that already looks horribly dated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What does Nordique mean again? People of the north or something or northern people?

The snowflake thing is cool, but seriously, that has soo many endless possibilities for me to make fun of my white buddies when they wear such a jersey. Why not just use the fleur de lis or however it is spelled, it was a Nordique logo that i loved as a shoulder patch i think.

I love the colour choices, it stands out and is unique and i think they work. Not a fan of a logo that looks seasonal.

I'd love to see what updates you make though as you get better with your medium and ideas.


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