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Dakota Gold


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So, during break I had a chance to work on a logo for a hockey camp. I went in the direction of making a logo such as one would expect from a hockey team, instead of a camp feel. I incorporated the sport, the color gold, and the spirit of the old west and the miners. I gave it a badge look, combined with some stylization to really make it pop with an Old West type feel to it.

Unfortunately they went in another direction, but I figured I would show it off here. Its been a bit since I have pleasured my fans with a design.


So what do you guys think?

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Kewp, I didn't want to be too overly obvious with the shape of the badge, so I played up on the hockey part by having its shape be reminiscent of the NHL Conference logos, but still be different.

Beatnik, I agree with you on the adding more elements of the name. I think when I get some time, I am either gonna replace the hockey sticks with pick axes or alter the tops of the hockey sticks to have pick axe heads.

And Frywulf, thanks for the praise; but I wish you would have said more than just nice job. Saying nice job doesn't help me take this design to its ultimate potential. If you could say what you like and what you don't like about it, and maybe what you would change; that is what is gonna be ultimately beneficial to me and also others when you post about their concepts.

Thanks for the C&C so far guys. Updates may not come to fast on this one though, school is getting to me at the moment (don't have much free time).

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And Frywulf, thanks for the praise; but I wish you would have said more than just nice job. Saying nice job doesn't help me take this design to its ultimate potential. If you could say what you like and what you don't like about it, and maybe what you would change; that is what is gonna be ultimately beneficial to me and also others when you post about their concepts.

I didn't see anything wrong with it. Now, I could have blathered on like Nick Saban and said ten words where one would suffice, but I figure you have better things to do with your time.

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I think the word Gold should take up a little more space in the badge. To me, it looks like there is a bit of empty grey space between Gold and the puck that doesn't really need to be there.

Great work, btw.

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Well, first, I'll say good job...it looks great to me. The one thing that I'm thinking is that the bottom of the blades of the sticks should be shown to give a better feel of the recession of the badge. Unless, of course, it just kind of gives the illusion of that recession...I honestly can't tell if it was intentional. It just looks to me like it's going back in space, and the gold part is the bottom.

Also, what font is that? It looks familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.

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Nicely done in general. I particularly like how versatile a logo this would be -- it makes sense for a team, for a camp, could even be a league. And it looks like it would scale really well, from tiny polo-shirt embroidery, letterhead, or web use, up to a giant jersey crest or under-the-ice rink logo.

Two things I'm not entirely sold on: All that gray/silver, and the ragged edges of the main silver bit of the shield. First, the color. It's just awfully silver for something named "Gold." Do I have a suggestion for what to do about that? No, I do not. I do like that it's not just gold and black. I think the problem isn't so much that you're using silver but the balance you've got between the gold and silver hues. Something as simple as flipping the colors on the shield part, but leaving the sticks alone, might do the trick. In any event, making the word "Gold" black on silver just doesn't work for me.

On the ragged edges of the silver part of the shield, to me they break up what I would otherwise see as a sort of Old West badge. (Sure, marshals and state or territorial rangers generally wore stars of one sort or another, but shield badges were worn by some sheriffs, Indian police, Pinkertons, rail detectives, and other sundry pardners.) Now, if you were flipping the colors on the shield, it would look like a lawman's badge with a gold nugget on it, but now all those pointy edges are doing is preventing me from seeing the middle of the logo as a random assemblage of shapes.

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The illusion of recession was intentional, but I only wanted it to be a slight one. As far as the Gold wordmark needing to be a bit bigger on the logo, I don't know; I feel it may end up over powering it. When I get more time I will play with that.

I did end up doing what BallWonk suggested and switched the colors on the shield. I think it works a lot better now. When I get more time I will take your suggestion on revising the jagged edges.

Thanks everyone for the C&C, and Gordie I hope you were properly pleasured and I didn't leave you hanging........

Here is the quick color revision.


Thanks again guys.

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My ex didn't get one. So no.....

Poor girl. You should have shown her this concept and she would have been more pleasuredOr at least given her my phone number. Hell even paynominds, or better yet BOTH! Me and PNM are cool with that kind of thing, albeit he has a wife but lets keep that on the down-lo.

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My ex didn't get one. So no.....

Poor girl. You should have shown her this concept and she would have been more pleasuredOr at least given her my phone number. Hell even paynominds, or better yet BOTH! Me and PNM are cool with that kind of thing, albeit he has a wife but lets keep that on the down-lo.

Yeah, probably. Then again you and PNM make such a great tag team that there is no way I can compete.

Shes all yours....and don't worry. I won't tell PNM's wifey.

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Dakota Gold sounds A LOT like a Porn Star name, and all this talk about pleasure... :P

As for the update, I think it's better, although I didn't have a problem with the initial version. It definitely gives it more of a gold look, whereas before, it seemed like it was stone or, I suppose, silver.

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