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I've done alot of cleanup on the "mens_allstar_jrsy.pdf" such as...

1. added length to the sleeves (based on the crosby photo in the all star uniform's and shots from nhl.com), I even superimposed the sweater over a picture of Da Vinci's Vitrivian Man to get proportions right, haha.

2. added RBK vector logo to sleeve.

3. added mesh texture to mesh panels on the sweater. So all mesh panels has a mesh layer and a layer under it for the color.

4. cleaned up alot of bad overlaping panels just for a cleaner look when colors added to panels.

5. Also added a name plate on the back.

So let me know what ya think. Thanks.

Hope this helps our concepts for the new sweaters, especially after monday when we see what is possiple and don't have to treat it like a paint by numbers nhl.


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Is the NHL logo at the center of the collar coming with every uniform, or just the all-star unis?

Otherwise, I think it's perfect.

You know, I rarely visit ccslsc anymore. I really should fix that.

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Is the NHL logo at the center of the collar coming with every uniform, or just the all-star unis?

Otherwise, I think it's perfect.

I dont think any knows for sure, but i would assume all teams will have them there. As the nfl does in the same place. I think they realized thats a better place than on the butt of the sweater.

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A sad day for hockey when every team will look like every other team. The inmates (Rbk and Bettman) really are running the asylum. :cry:

Great work on your part. I just can't handle this "streamlined" look. But then I'm OLD!

I dont think these will look the same for all teams. i dont think you will see the piping or the 2 swooping spots on the sleeves on all jerseys. This wont be like the 96 allstar jersey and the dallas stars for all teams.

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