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avalanche concept


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man, some people on this site dont know about the CONSTRUCTIVE side of constructive criticism. just saying that you hate it doesnt do anything for me. i dont care if your do hate it, just tell me why.

Sorry to have hurt your feelings my friend. lets hug it out.

I'll give you my input even after you said you wanted it, then you didn't, and now you do again... this jersey does nothing for me, their current jerseys are beautiful when you consider the colors involved. I think your use of gray here is well overdone and too much for my taste. The stripes on the arms dont seem to fit with the crest. I also believe the drop shadow numbers need to be removed. With all that being said I also feel the blue arms and maroon body is far too similar to their current home sweaters.

Hope you enjoyed my CONSTRUCTIVE side of constructive criticism.

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didnt hurt my feelings, just pisses me off when someone disses my work without giving a reason.

thank you for your reasoning.

i now realize where i should have put the stripes after seeing your minnesota wild concept


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i just cant understand why people continue to make concepts for alternate jerseys when there will be no such thing. at least thats what i've heard.

Only for a year. Alternates will be back in time for the 08-09 season.

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i just cant understand why people continue to make concepts for alternate jerseys when there will be no such thing. at least thats what i've heard.

Because we are a creative lot. Creative people create stuff. Even when they know it will/can never be actuallized. Creativity is a beautiful thing.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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The logos are too big for me. I would shrink them slightly and add shoulder numbers.

I once had a car but I crashed it. I once had a guitar but I smashed it. I once, wait where am I going with this?

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Doesn't do much for me.

- There is way too much gray in the concept. Gray works as a trim color, but unless you're Ohio State, too much gray comes off as drab and dirty. And no, making it silver would be overkill, but in another (shiny) direction.

- The logo crest is entirely too large. Never mind that it spans the entire width of the dark red area, it nearly winds up in both armpits.

- As mentioned, the red on red on red would look like a giant bloodstain unless viewed up close on a static image. A logo should be clear enough to readily identify the team you're watching without ambiguity.

- The sleeve stripes would be largely obscured by gloves.

- None of the colors "pop" or give any depth to the picture. Maybe it's all the gray, but it just comes off as very flat and dull.

- Player numbers on the sleeves, as mentioned.

- Red and blue (on the sleeve stripes, and where the backs of the sleeves meet the back of the sweater) are disturbing when paired side-by-side. It's why 3D glasses work. You should keep them separated - white, black, something. They're codominant colors; they need boundaries.

- The purpose of the player name is identification of the individual. Tiny, double outlined, gray letters defeat this purpose. Thus, the player name is effectively useless in the concept, since it couldn't be read from more than 6 inches away, and even with the Hubble Telescope sending super-HD pictures to your TV.

Hope some of that helped...

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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Too dark - the gray just doesn't appease my eye - good idea, but it's not eye catching. Tweak the gray, lighter perhaps.

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My input.

The Jersey is just brutal. I think using the alternative logo on the front would look bad. Like many said, too much gray, and it seems like the nameplate is pretty small, which is a thumbs down. Also mentioned is the logo being way too big for use anyways.

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A million times better than your first attempt, but it still looks like your standard paint-by-numbers affair to me. Where's the sleeve striping? I'd also tone down the mesh pattern, it really dominates the image more than it should. Neatness counts, people.


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