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We Got To Stay Fly(er)


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I was in a modifying mood, and recalled one of my old Flyers concepts. I remember the main thing I'd wanted to correct if I ever revisited it was to use the flying P more and use way more orange on the white jersey than I did then, despite my opinion at the time that no part of the P was ever meant to be orange except the puck in the middle. While I still think that concerning the full P, I figured I needed to emphasize orange on the whites this time. The flying P takes center stage on the main jerseys, as it should, and I still had on me the birdhead I'd borrowed for the old concept, and so on the third, it gets its (coincidental) third Creamerboard appearance, everybody give Birdhead a round of sound. (bow)

Without further ado, here are the concepts!




since I know this question's gonna come, the answer is no, the birdhead's not my original work...heck, the guy who put it together was admittedly just fartin around, randomly distorted the P, and wound up with the birdhead. don't know if he's still at Depot or not, but thanks splinter.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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As a Flyers fan since the womb (even this year, hard though it gets sometimes...), it's hard for me NOT to view them with a hypercritical eye. If the test I used was "Would I want to see my boys ditch what they've got now for these?", I'd say I don't like this. But if I try to detach what I know and judge these on their own merits, I actually really like these. A lot. Were the Flyers an expansion team just starting, and they had no history at the time these came out, I'd be all over these in a big way. But it's hard to take history out of the equation.

That said, one question: are the thick black lines that run up the torso a design element, or the boundary as given by the template you used?

One critique: The sweep of the wing feathers looks right from the front of the sweater, but they sweep in the "wrong" direction on the backs. I'd leave the straight edges of the wingtips toward the back of the sweater on the front and back - it would give for more continuity when viewing the sweater on a player, especially one in motion. From the backs, the wings would appear to be going backward.

And to close, one compliment: I really like this concept. I could see a team snapping up something like this on some level and putting it to very good use.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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As a Flyers fan since the womb (even this year, hard though it gets sometimes...), it's hard for me NOT to view them with a hypercritical eye. If the test I used was "Would I want to see my boys ditch what they've got now for these?", I'd say I don't like this. But if I try to detach what I know and judge these on their own merits, I actually really like these. A lot. Were the Flyers an expansion team just starting, and they had no history at the time these came out, I'd be all over these in a big way. But it's hard to take history out of the equation.

heh, you don't wanna see the earlier version of these then...those fit the bill you describe even moreso than these do.

That said, one question: are the thick black lines that run up the torso a design element, or the boundary as given by the template you used?

the boundary. side stripes generally look like crap on hockey jerseys, hell, last week's ASG was one of the few times I recall them looking half decent.

One critique: The sweep of the wing feathers looks right from the front of the sweater, but they sweep in the "wrong" direction on the backs. I'd leave the straight edges of the wingtips toward the back of the sweater on the front and back - it would give for more continuity when viewing the sweater on a player, especially one in motion. From the backs, the wings would appear to be going backward.

And to close, one compliment: I really like this concept. I could see a team snapping up something like this on some level and putting it to very good use.

I sense a theme here :D one thing, I don't know why, it doesn't even matter how hard I try, keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme...ahhh forget it, I aint Shinoda :D heh, I'm a little ashamed to admit I hadn't given that any thought.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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I'm not into uniforms as much as logos, so I'll restrict my comments to what I know.

And what I know is that I like the Birdhead. A lot. It's my favourite thing you've ever done. (I'd never seen it before, but that's probably just my ignorance.)

My one thought is that it becomes slightly difficult for someone with no prior knowledge of the Flyers identity (and in the sports community, those types are few and far between) to identify it as a P. It comes across as a birdhead, it comes across as a part of the Flyers' identity, but it looks to much like a D to be effectively a P.

You could perhaps extend the bottom leg of the P slightly beyond line to remedy this, but otherwise, great work on the logo.

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heh, I thought you did see it before, the first time I used it. then again it's been a few years and many, many logos since then, I've forgotten a good handful of logos I've seen too :D

as I mentioned in my first post, I wish I could take credit for it, but I can't, I merely traced from the original and use it for concepts every now and then. I'm not sure I could tell you how to get something like this out of the flying P even if I'd been the guy distorting it for :censored:s and giggles, to be honest. I just know a great logo when I see it. Kinda like windowshopping and sayin I want that, except concepts don't cost as much to do :D


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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