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Florida Panthers logo concept


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Why would you ripoff the worst lion logo ever?

1) That's a really dickish thing to say, Sean. Who the :censored: do you think you are?

2) I actually like the logo and think it's pretty good.

3) This lion is MUCH worse, I'm sure you recognize it: http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/cyand...f-singapore.png

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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sorry that it looks like i took it i used it as a refrence but from now own i will just not try to amke them look my own

no... you actually didn't use it as a reference, you used it as a basis for plagirism, but thanks for playing.

The least you could have done is be less blatant or use a less well known idea to copy.

[mod edit: unnecessary insult.]

ummmm...what? Its not like it's and unjust instult or even that big an insult. Other people said worse than me...WTF is mod edit anyway?

On another subject, to those of you who think we're taking this too seriously, it's never OK to steal someone else's work.

I mean, c'mon some of us do this for a living and even if you don't :censored: like this ain't cool...

Engine, Engine, Number Nine, on the New York transit line,

If my train goes off the track, pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up!

Back on the scene, crispy and clean,

You can try, but then why, 'cause you can't intervene.

We be the outcast, down for the settle. Won't play the rock, won't play the pebble.

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There's this part of me that thinks y'all take this entirely too seriously . . . i mean, it's not like the 'offender' is planning to make money off of his allegedly 'ripped-off' logo. Give it a rest. You're not the police.

That sounds like the opinion of someone who has never created anything of worth...

Sorry, but your opinion is wrong, at least in the eyes of anyone who has truly been a part of the creative community. And if the community doesn't police itself, who will?

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Why would you ripoff the worst lion logo ever?

Does it make you feel better to insult the work of somebody half your age? Well, I am better than an 8 year old at football, so ha! Oh well. Say what you want if it makes you feel better about yourself.


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Why would you ripoff the worst lion logo ever?

Does it make you feel better to insult the work of somebody half your age? Well, I am better than an 8 year old at football, so ha! Oh well. Say what you want if it makes you feel better about yourself.

Maybe I went too far. People...dont get me wrong, I thought it was funny. I didnt take anyones feelings into consideration, for that Im sorry.

PS My lion represents the trade winds of Southeast Asia...Singapore is one of the busiest ports in the world.

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Why would you ripoff the worst lion logo ever?

Does it make you feel better to insult the work of somebody half your age? Well, I am better than an 8 year old at football, so ha! Oh well. Say what you want if it makes you feel better about yourself.

Maybe I went too far. People...dont get me wrong, I thought it was funny. I didnt take anyones feelings into consideration, for that Im sorry.

PS My lion represents the trade winds of Southeast Asia...Singapore is one of the busiest ports in the world.

So, my lion represents....... okay mine is just a regular lion, but I don't think it is the worst lion logo ever. Do you really think it is? I don't really let criticism like that get to me, but I would like to know if you really think that. No hard feelings here, but I do think it was a little bit uncalled for.


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Hey PISTONStheNextDYNASTY, if it counts for anything, I think the concept is awesome, especially since I saw how it evolved and how much effort was put in.

Well said. I agree and I think that you have alot of potential. I followed your concepts and they are all pretty good. I think that it was very uncalled for to say it was the worst lion logo ever because technically the "panthers concept" was the worst ever (not to say anything bad about it but come on...)

Cat Eyes - Josh B)


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Wow, everyone on here is waaaay too uptight and immature. One dude innocently uses one logo as the basis for another, and you guys pounce on him as if he's gonna get rich off the thing. Then you start flinging personal insults about each others work. Chill out guys, it's a logo concept. From a beginner at that.

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ok ive been working on these two logos please dont bash each other im truly sorry i made two of my own logos baseb on actual panther pics


This is better. It looks like a panther now. The white fur by the mouth looks much better than the blue did. The whiskers don't need to be black, though, the navy is dark enough, you can just use that. Also, where your lines end, they are just squared off. Work on making them come to smooth points. This would mean not using a stroke, but drawing the outline yourself. I haven't really noticed you posting concepts, so I am guessing you are new at it, so it may be hard not to use the stroke. The line going all the way around the ear makes it look like it isn't attatched to the head. You don't need the line on the bottom of the ear, and it would probably also help if you added the inside shape of the ear, too. Adding a jawline would help too. Those are some things I noticed.


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See? You're well on your way now. The thing that stands out to me is the shading on the panther's face. I don't like how it completely covers the eye, you might want to rethink that. Like PND said, draw the inside of the ear also, but keep it stylized, simple. I'm not liking how the whiskers clash so badly with the white around the mouth. Also, tweak it to convey some motion in the logo, or something that really stands out, because he's just sitting there. Plug away at it and keep trying, you'll have a solid logo if you take everyone's critique and apply it to your work.

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See? You're well on your way now. The thing that stands out to me is the shading on the panther's face. I don't like how it completely covers the eye, you might want to rethink that. Like PND said, draw the inside of the ear also, but keep it stylized, simple. I'm not liking how the whiskers clash so badly with the white around the mouth. Also, tweak it to convey some motion in the logo, or something that really stands out, because he's just sitting there. Plug away at it and keep trying, you'll have a solid logo if you take everyone's critique and apply it to your work.

I agree. The eye is probably the part people would normally focus on first, so I don't think you would want it in shadow. Maybe do the shadows on the bottom or right side of the logo.


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The only thing that looks weird to me is that the Panther's nose is a little too bright or something, almost pink. TO me it just seems a little unintimidating...aside from that, I really like the logos, especially the panther-body logo...very Detroit Lions classic looking which is nice...I wonder how it will look on a jersey.

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well... the panthers really ugly but at least its yours now. But dont worry: it has potential.

and PISTONStheNextDYNASTY, dont listen to the hate. He's probably just pissed cause he's a Clippers fan :P

Engine, Engine, Number Nine, on the New York transit line,

If my train goes off the track, pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up!

Back on the scene, crispy and clean,

You can try, but then why, 'cause you can't intervene.

We be the outcast, down for the settle. Won't play the rock, won't play the pebble.

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