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LA Clippers Logo Concept


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I am working on giving the LA Clippers a new look for a project for school. I have been trying to come up with a ship logo that also shows movement and displays the way the team plays basketball, but i have been having a hard time. I want the ship to be shown, but usually a ship logo is boring and has no movement in it. Any feedback on where to go from here would be really helpful, as I have kind of stopped working on it for a while. I like the way it looks right now, but i know it needs some help. The wordmark accompanied is in the process of changing, because as of right now it is just typed out, and un-considered, just to take up the space of a real wordmark. as for the secondary logo, i was obviously going for a compass rose look, and i know this probably needs work too. C&C greatly appreciated.


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I like the logo, but not the font. I don't think it should be "piratey". Also I think they should stay with Red, White, and Blue. I also like the secondary a lot.

I disagree. I've actually been working on my own concept, and i went full on pirate. why not? there isnt a pirate themed NBA team, and the Clippers are about as drab a team as any. I think its a clever interpretation of the name

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Not a bad start at all, although I don't feel that the two look right together. The primary logo is very thick with outlines, whereas the alt is delicately thin.

Primary: I think it looks decent right now. It's well-rendered, although I think the font is awful. It doesn't look good in all capitals at all. I'd also use two different fonts(that go contrast well, obviously) for the names.

Alt: I think there could simply be more to this. It's predictable and been done before(Seattle Mariners). As I mentioned earlier, I'd try to make it work better with the primary.

Great start, keep it going.

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I think you have something going there with the compass rose....elaborate upon that idea and you may be able to use it as the primary.

Also, do something to it to separate it from looking too much like the Seattle Mariners logo.

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That looks a lot like my old Clippers logo, before it turned into this:


Keep working at yours. For one thing, you could try and get a font that flows better with the logo, especially if it's going to be right there in the logo.

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That looks a lot like my old Clippers logo, before it turned into this:


Keep working at yours. For one thing, you could try and get a font that flows better with the logo, especially if it's going to be right there in the logo.

that is a nice logo.

im still particular to the braves throwbacks :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the idea of going pirate style with the logo, but your current rendering looks too segmented. There are too many separate forms to give the illusion of motion and continuity, so it looks blocky, and the fact that the sails and the boat have opposite curvature is confusing. Good idea, just refine it a little.

Ditch the second logo. It's an entirely different style than the primary and looks like a Mariners ripoff.

oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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Ok i have been working on these logos and getting input from my teachers, as well as trying to work in your input where it doesn't differ from my teachers. At the end of the day, they are the ones grading me.


-The font was an obvious problem.

-When I changed the font I had to make the masts on the ship match the slant of the font.

-The lighter blue color is gone for now, everyone in my classes disliked it.

-I tried new shading on the sails, I think the old shapes kind of stopped the motion of the ship.

-The all-encompassing outline behind the ship made the ship feel too blocky and slow.

-I tried to make the secondary match up with the primary more, since the feedback I got from the teachers told me to keep it and work it into the identity, not just scrap it because it looks too much like the Mariners logo. It is kind of cliche and its the first thing you think of to do, but they thought it worked.


-Teachers do not want to see a return to red and blue, and neither do I, I am trying to get away from their losing history, not embrace it.

-The Columbus Clippers logo is great and I studied it before I started this project, that is probably why I tried to stay away from it, didn't want to create a copycat ship logo.

Now the update:



To all the Hijackers- get out of my thread! :P

Phil- I love the way you worked in the compass rose/sun idea into the ship logo. That works really well.

Cyandlux- I actually saw your logo before I started this project and I think it looks pretty good. I don't like the current script or colors, but aside from that it is pretty good. The basketball looks wierd to me with all those outlines, its not my style. The ship looks really good though. I am working right now on adding water to the logo like you have used it, my teachers think it is needed. I like the way you used it, so watch for something similar to that pretty soon. I will try not to directly steal your water though.

C&C appreciated, keep it coming please. You guys are helping to give a perspective I can't get in the classroom, thanks!

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