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tell me what's wrong with this...

slightly shotgunned

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was fooling around with paint in the computer lab and came up with this logo concept for one of my fantasy fb teams, the New York Empire. i am aware that it needs to be cleaned up a bit, but still i'm looking mostly for criticism here.


credits...well, i did a google search for the empire state building and found that building logo (supposed to be the empire state building, but i'm not sure about it) i don't remember the exact site though. the font is something along the lines of "sans black thirteen" from Dafont.com.

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I think the building is a little too small compared to the rest of the design ? the blue star, the wordmark, etc. You're also using a fairly extended font, which is drawing things out horizontally. Something more condensed would make this a lot stronger and a lot more vertical, I think.

I would knock those other elements down in size so that the building is the dominant element. What I'd even like to see is the building extended so that it forms the I in EMPIRE.

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In addition to the detail, I think the colors for just don't work with the "Empire" name. What you have here reminds me of a fast food restaurant.

When I think "Empire", I see shades of blue, grey and copper. (but that's just me)

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here's a seemingly stupid question but, what do you mean when you say more detail on the building. do you mean detail like windows, detail like shadows, detail like people working on the inside (a joke)... thanks for the comments so far, i am taking them seriously and i'll get an update here when i get the chance. since i'm working from the school's comp. lab though that may take awhile. :mad:

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I would darken the colors like batmans metropolis. Maybe work in a steely blue or dark green? Maybe the yellow could be a dark cooper?

I agree the building should be bigger.

I would also change the name to Empires. Sounds more major league to me.

Do you mean Gotham city?

You know, I rarely visit ccslsc anymore. I really should fix that.

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