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Soccer Logo


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Here's my first try at making a logo. Its for my soccer team, which is currently logo-less. I kept the same colors that we currently use. The text is quite rough and it's not totally symetrical. Also, I think I could add a little more to the spears. C & C please.


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1. Use a different font. This one is too scripty and thin, and will barely be legible on a patch (if you go that route). You need a stronger, bolder typeface. Look at some crests from the Premiership (England's soccer league). All lettering is nice and strong.

2. Be consistent with line weights. Your patch has a thick outline, but the spears' lines are thin. Thicken them up to at least match the soccer ball, and they will stand out a lot more.

3. Use more contrasting colors. Darken the red a little, or lighten up the brown on the shafts of the spears so they also pop out a bit more.

4. Look for some reference pictures of spears. Most have arrowheads as the tips, not diamond shapes. And you may even be able to add some feathers where the tips meet the shafts.

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First off, if you're giving yourself C&C in your own post, shouldn't you have done that stuff BEFORE you posted?

Yes...I'm an a$$hole.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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