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Retro Canucks logo


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i find it hard to believe we have 3 or 4 canucks concepts on the first page of concepts, alone.

anyways, not feeling it.

I think they deserve 100% new color scheme, logos and jerseys.

Again? You can't be serious. How often do you propose they change? Is three distinct looks in such a short NHL existence not enough for you? I agree that the orca has to go, but I'm really hoping it's in favor of Johnny Canuck, or the Flying Skate as a second choice. I'll take either one of those, and be happy almost no matter what if they go back to the brown, red and yellow.

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My comments weren't directed at anyone in particular, just the general tone of the comments in this thread, and to a greater extent throughout the entire forum. It's the whole "Why are you wasting OUR time with your stupid contribution?" attitude.

I don't know the guy that 'created' this version of the logo, but my guess is that he's relatively new to logo design and/or to this forum (42 posts isn't exactly new, I'll grant). In reading the explanation that went along with his logo, it's clear to me that when he used the word "created", in NO way was he implying that he whipped this up from scratch. He was using 'create' in the sense that he made this version of the logo. He 'did' this for lack of a better word. I mean, come on... it was people just looking for an excuse to pile on someone.

As to the whole recolor thing, yes, maybe he would have been technically and semantically more accurate if he would have said "hey, look at this logo I recolored", but so what? I see dozens, if not hundreds of recolors in this forum. Some good, some not so good. To be able to KNOW what each and every recolored version of every logo that's been done prior to embarking on creating (oops! shouldn't have used that word), prior to playing around with it is improbable without a better system of collecting images together and being able to search.

A better way of handling this poor guy's attempt at a recolor would have been to post links to all the previous threads (or the images themselves) that contain the ones that have already been done. That way, it shows that you're concerned with keeping redundancy at bay, but it does it in such a way that it actually is of benefit to the person who submitted the offending recolor, by letting them see the depth of what's come before.

What would be great (and I don't know if something like this has been suggested before) is if each image could be tagged with various keywords, like 'Canucks" and "Recolor". Or to be able to submit a new graphic to a pool of similarly categorized images. I love looking at all the variations people come up with, even if they look almost identical to what's out there already. It would be great to be able to just jump straight to the images and then click on them to bring us to the forum that discusses that image.

yeah there is a lot of people here that feel that they have to totally rub it in someones face if they dont like their work, or if they feel that they have seen something similar to it before.

Mainly, the only guys on this site that have been cool too me are Taylor R. and KCscout76, the rest of the people ive come into contact with here for the most part are :censored:s like brassbonanza97 who thinks its necessary to bitch about post counts for some reason.

listen, if you do or dont like it, leave a compliment, or a critique. there is no reason to rip someones head off for something stupid like this. you dont have to nit-pick everything someone says or posts.

about the logo...i think its unique, but i do think that it resembles the calgary too much. i think you should make a jersey with it on there so we can see how it looks. try tweaking the logo a bit as well if you can.

just thought i would give opinion, since there are some pricks on this site.


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My comments weren't directed at anyone in particular, just the general tone of the comments in this thread, and to a greater extent throughout the entire forum. It's the whole "Why are you wasting OUR time with your stupid contribution?" attitude.

I don't know the guy that 'created' this version of the logo, but my guess is that he's relatively new to logo design and/or to this forum (42 posts isn't exactly new, I'll grant). In reading the explanation that went along with his logo, it's clear to me that when he used the word "created", in NO way was he implying that he whipped this up from scratch. He was using 'create' in the sense that he made this version of the logo. He 'did' this for lack of a better word. I mean, come on... it was people just looking for an excuse to pile on someone.

As to the whole recolor thing, yes, maybe he would have been technically and semantically more accurate if he would have said "hey, look at this logo I recolored", but so what? I see dozens, if not hundreds of recolors in this forum. Some good, some not so good. To be able to KNOW what each and every recolored version of every logo that's been done prior to embarking on creating (oops! shouldn't have used that word), prior to playing around with it is improbable without a better system of collecting images together and being able to search.

A better way of handling this poor guy's attempt at a recolor would have been to post links to all the previous threads (or the images themselves) that contain the ones that have already been done. That way, it shows that you're concerned with keeping redundancy at bay, but it does it in such a way that it actually is of benefit to the person who submitted the offending recolor, by letting them see the depth of what's come before.

What would be great (and I don't know if something like this has been suggested before) is if each image could be tagged with various keywords, like 'Canucks" and "Recolor". Or to be able to submit a new graphic to a pool of similarly categorized images. I love looking at all the variations people come up with, even if they look almost identical to what's out there already. It would be great to be able to just jump straight to the images and then click on them to bring us to the forum that discusses that image.

yeah there is a lot of people here that feel that they have to totally rub it in someones face if they dont like their work, or if they feel that they have seen something similar to it before.

Mainly, the only guys on this site that have been cool too me are Taylor R. and KCscout76, the rest of the people ive come into contact with here for the most part are :censored:s like brassbonanza97 who thinks its necessary to bitch about post counts for some reason.

listen, if you do or dont like it, leave a compliment, or a critique. there is no reason to rip someones head off for something stupid like this. you dont have to nit-pick everything someone says or posts.

about the logo...i think its unique, but i do think that it resembles the calgary too much. i think you should make a jersey with it on there so we can see how it looks. try tweaking the logo a bit as well if you can.

just thought i would give opinion, since there are some pricks on this site.

Wow. I'm sorry for trying to get someone to offer more than just "i actually like that better good work". That really helps someone's work.

Anyway, this concept has been done, and it's not that hard to use the Search function to see if it's already been done. Recolourings really aren't even concepts. They take 5 minutes to do. There's really no work that goes into them besides filling in sections with the paint bucket. The logo is not unique. It's not original. It's been done.

And yeah, there are pricks are on this board. Especially those who publically call out other member's in their posts.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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what's really frustrating to me is that a simple re-color which takes zero talent gets 2 pages of comments, but when somebody puts a lot of work into something original, it gets 6 or 7 responses...

Then label your original concept with the word "Recoloring!"

That way, everybody will look at it, and be forced to give C&C....


(p.s. I'm back!)

You know, I rarely visit ccslsc anymore. I really should fix that.

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what's really frustrating to me is that a simple re-color which takes zero talent gets 2 pages of comments, but when somebody puts a lot of work into something original, it gets 6 or 7 responses...

I agree. I think that happens because it is much easier to tell somebody what is wrong with their concepts. It seems that this way, the better something is, the less comments you get. I don't mind when people tell me they like something I did, but I would much rather have them tell me what needs work.

And vicious, you have gotten a lot of good criticism on your concepts. Being nice isn't just saying they like it. It is actually better that they tell you what needs fixed. You will learn from it, you will make a lot less mistakes, and overall your concepts will be much better. If they just say that something is good, it might make you happy, but it won't help. You have gotten some really good criticism from VitaminD and averyJ to name a couple, plus a lot of other people.


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I've been in this position before and I don't like the feedback that comes along with. The old Vancouver colors (well the red,black,&yellow) don't go with the current identity. But I do have to agree with some of the "critique". As I was told, you should probably start from scratch with a concept or as someone said earlier if you are going to re-color, add a jerseys or something that will make everything seem more creative or original or else you'll get the lame complaints that some people call feedback.


College sports as we know them are just about dead. The lid is off on all the corruption that taints just about every major program and every decision that the schools or the NCAA make is only about money, money, and more money. We'll have three 16+ team super-conferences sooner rather than later, killing much of the regional flair and traditional rivalries that make college sports unique and showing the door to any school that doesn't bring money to the table in the process. Pretty soon the smaller schools are going to have to consider forming their own sanctioning body to keep the true spirit of college sports alive because the NCAA will only get worse in it's excess from here
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alright, maybe i was a little harsh with my previous posts. i know i have gotten some good feedback, and there are a lot of good guys on this site, but it just bugs me when people get over aggressive for no reason.

i always try to be nice to people on here, especially if they are new to the site, and new to creating things in illustrator like i am. i think this problem could be solved in a few ways.

1. Make sure your "Concept" is worth posting i guess. if your just going to re-color something, and not put it on a uni, then you should prolly go all the way with it if you want serious criticism.

on the other hand...

2. A simple " its been done before" should do just fine. no real need to chap any asses here. and telling them to go farther with it would be nice too.

thats just the way i see it.


i apologize about my attitude earlier. i know that i am in no position to start directing the board or its members. and also, im sorry if i offended anyone. i was pissed about something else, and i looked to the board to take my aggression out on i guess.

oh yeah, and brassbonanza, i got no beef with you bro, my bad man.


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