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Atlanta Braves concept...


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Swift baseball jerseys anyone? ^_^

I dunno. They're different, yes, and they're not horrbile -- I like how you incorporated the old "Braves" mark, but they're a little too non-baseball for me.


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Oh no. :cry: Sorry, nice idea, but no. Football, Basketball, and Hockey can get away this type of design, but not baseball. Too traditional, and I like it that way. Nice effort. This would look great on football uniform, it really would. Might I suggest trying it on one, if you have a team in mind.

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I like the shoulder decorations -- they remind me of the old Braves sleeve feathers. But your shoulder decorations end abruptly at the collar, and therefore look a bit too arbitrarily slapped on.

As to the rest of the embellishments, they look like, well, embellishments. Like most similar elements on soccer, football, and even, sadly, hockey jerseys, your side panels and whatever the heck that is on the pants look like a "designer" said to himself, "Look what I can do!" rather than trying to make a uniform that communicates the team identity. It looks like baroque, even rococo frillery, all stuff and nonsense.

To be specific: The side panels create a slimming effect on the jersey tops. Is baseball really a sport where players need to look skinnier? They're already not wearing pads like hockey or football, and not many ballclubs have a 320-pound linebacker on the 40-man roster. Ballplayers already tend toward sinewy arms, as opposed to pure bulk, and your jerseys will make their sleeves look about one-third skinnier than they already are. Why? Seriously, why are you adding elements that will make baseball players look skinnier and weaker? And, since the slimming side panels don't continue on the pants, players will look like they have huge hips and butts. Again, is this intentional or accidental, and why are you adding elements that will make baseball players look fat in the waist?

As to the pants, props for trying to do something more interesting than a single line of piping down the side. But have you given much thought to how those pants will look in use? Players are going to have a red flash following the bottom arc of their calf muscles when they run. When I imagine a player wearing your pants racing to score from first on a double, my mind produces a highly comical image of red flashing legs. Also, you'll be drawing the eye down to where you've created a line below the knees. Is it your intention to influence umpires to call low strikes against Atlanta batters, or is that just a side benefit?

Also, the straight lettering on the back: It's great if all your players are named Jones or Hall or Sierra or Park. But when you get a player like Garciaparra, is the guy who plays next to him going to have to wear the last few letters of his name?

But lest I come off sounding completely harsh, I do like the fact that you're trying to think "outside the box" a bit, even if I don't think that all of what you've tried would actually work. I do like the shoulder flashes a lot.

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I actually like the idea behind this. I disagree when someone says this can't work for baseball...there is nothing more sacred about baseball in this day and age anymore than football, basketball, or another sport. Just let UA take a hold of a MLB organization and it might catch on haha.

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Swift baseball jerseys anyone? ^_^

I dunno. They're different, yes, and they're not horrbile -- I like how you incorporated the old "Braves" mark, but they're a little too non-baseball for me.


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I actually like the idea behind this. I disagree when someone says this can't work for baseball...there is nothing more sacred about baseball in this day and age anymore than football, basketball, or another sport. Just let UA take a hold of a MLB organization and it might catch on haha.

Disagree. Baseball is about the only sport that stays pretty well to tradition. Sure, some things HAVE changed, like interleague play, wild card, as well as a few others, but all in all, they are probably the most traditional sport, as far as few major changes go.

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I kinda like the mix of eras (Dale Murphy era with the Tomahawk Braves). But straight lettering only works with the A's. Use the trademark arched lettering.

Sport, it doesn't even work for the A's. They use radial arch lettering like everybody else in MLB. Including the Braves - so I also don't know where you can call any team's lettering style a "trademark" style. The Braves (like many other teams) abandoned vertical arch lettering a couple seasons back.

As for the concept: it's radical, I'll give you that. But I can't see a team wearing that in a game. BallWonk may have said it best - there's a lot of embellishments here that just aren't needed. Lots of fluff that detracts from the overall uniform. Sometimes, less is more, and this just comes off as vastly overdone.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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I love looking at baseball concepts, but the Braves have one of the top two or three looks in baseball, in my opinion, and I don't want them messed with (I don't like their Sunday look much because it takes away from a great home look).

The concept is interesting, but two things I don't like: using navy and royal blue on the same uni (like the Bills), and having those stripes on the pants. I can't stand what certain NFL teams are doing with stripes these days, and I don't want it to seep over into MLB.

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Disagree. Baseball is about the only sport that stays pretty well to tradition. Sure, some things HAVE changed, like interleague play, wild card...



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