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CCSLC Final Four 2007

Nick 1733

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according to the first post in this thread, you have 20 entries...5 per region x 4 regions = 20

just a thought

The only problem is that not everyone did the same thing.

The only way that would work is if he disregarded the work that we just did.


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that's why you've got the "big brain" :)...i hadn't even thought of that...

What bothers me, really, is that the lower seeds are being punished because a great number of people (of varying abilities) have failed to come up with anything within a week-plus time period. I realize that we all have lives, but it's still not fair to those of us who put the time in to at least come up with something. I wouldn't like to have gone through the rounds and tried to earn my way through. Instead, you're looking at 8 "creme-de-la-creme" probably edging out the rest of us.

And honestly, there's no better way of doing it. It's not Nick's fault, it's the fault of those who said they were going to participate and didn't (and didn't have a decent excuse not to).


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that's why you've got the "big brain" :)...i hadn't even thought of that...

What bothers me, really, is that the lower seeds are being punished because a great number of people (of varying abilities) have failed to come up with anything within a week-plus time period. I realize that we all have lives, but it's still not fair to those of us who put the time in to at least come up with something. I wouldn't like to have gone through the rounds and tried to earn my way through. Instead, you're looking at 8 "creme-de-la-creme" probably edging out the rest of us.

And honestly, there's no better way of doing it. It's not Nick's fault, it's the fault of those who said they were going to participate and didn't (and didn't have a decent excuse not to).

You're right, and that's why I wanted to do it the way I had planned, but there were so many that just weren't able to turn anything in. Now what really bugs me is the people who just didn't turn anything in AND didn't say anything about not being able to. At least a few said they weren't going to be able to get it done.

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I say just start the voting now, Nick. You have who you have, and it won't change, which sadly is not the number of people who originally signed up for this.


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I say just start the voting now, Nick. You have who you have, and it won't change, which sadly is not the number of people who originally signed up for this.


Oh yea, I'm still working on getting them organized, as my photoshop is giving me problems at the moment. It should be ready by tonight sometime, hopefully.

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I apologize for not turning anything in. I know you probably don't care that I've been ridiculously busy at work, and it's my own fault for signing up for the competition in the first place. I just have to realize that I really don't have the time in my life, with my home and work schedule the way it is, to add a design contest to the mix.

I understand if you don't want to accept this, but i figured I'd put it out there anyway.

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I apologize for not turning anything in. I know you probably don't care that I've been ridiculously busy at work, and it's my own fault for signing up for the competition in the first place. I just have to realize that I really don't have the time in my life, with my home and work schedule the way it is, to add a design contest to the mix.

I understand if you don't want to accept this, but i figured I'd put it out there anyway.

Joel, it's alright. I understand, it's just how it goes and it's not people like you, Jim and others who work for a living that are the problem, it's the kids that sign up then just don't bother to do it.

Maybe you'll have the time next year, I was looking forward to seeing what you'd come up with.

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