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Pinstripe Baseball


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So I kind have noticed theres no easy to use pinstripe baseball template in raster form. If you have ever wanted to do it you know its a bit time consuming. Not terrible, but time wasted that you could use doing more creative aspects of a design. So I took a stab at making one.

Couple things

1- Thanks to whoever originally made this template.

2- Thanks to whoever cleaned this template up recently making it easier.

3- Theres a few spots you have to add the pinstripes yourself (sleeves, belt) but not too bad.

4- Its not perfectly even, I tried though.

5- There is the horizontal stripe across so you can recolor them all at once. Just erase this line after

6- You probably want to go over the "stitching" that I covered up when I did this. I did it this way because it was simple.

7- Feel free to critique so that I can make adjustments or take a stab at adjusting it yourself.

8- I did a little bit of trying it out and it seemed to work, but I'm not sure how it will work with losing quality when I had to upload it and whatnot.


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Looks like my template. I cleaned it up a while back. I was going to get around to making a pinstripes version of it, but never did. Props to you for making this. Nice job.


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