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Juneau Huskies Hockey Fantasy Jersey Concept


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Hello, I attempted to make an alternate jersey concept for the Nordiques with a newer Husky logo (NIU's retired logo) but it just didnt fly. I think the Nordiques "N"/Igloo logo could not be beat. So I stayed with the Husky logo/concept but decided to do a team for Alaska. The Juneau Huskies. The team colors are that of the State of Alaska "Blue/Yellow". C+C welcomed. Thank you.

This is a work in progress so I will be updating it from time to time. Thanks.


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could we see a larger version of the primary logo...it looks pretty solid - at first glance the only real issues i have are with the angular nature of the triangle pattern and the nose - the eyes look really good and strong, and the use of yellow really makes them a focal point - the secondary is a little high-schoolish and overdone for my taste, but if it works for you, that's all that matters - pretty nice work here

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When I see the "paw print" logo, I think junior-high sports, and the face-paint template that girls use to put paw-prints on their cheeks. Basically I just think it is better fit for a younger or female audience (sorry Clemson.)

I think that the stripe and repeating pattern is a little much, and the jersey would look just fine (pretty good actually) with only the stripe.

Other critiques:

Black in the logo but nowhere else? This isn't the worst thing in the world, but it wouldn't hurt to mix in just a little black trim somewhere else just to balance it out a bit.

I like the AK flag in general, and I really like it when elements from it are used in uniform concepts. However I just think it is lazy (sorry) to slap the actual flag on a jersey (that goes for Arizona-based concepts too.) I think it would look really cool to take just the stars off of the flag and have those on the sleeves. The stars could have a blue outline so they'd show up better on the white jersey.

I know that the Leafs and / or Habs use a rounded name font and block number combo, but IMO it doesn't work. I think your concept would look better with straight block all around.

Last thing: I don't think you need the double outline on your numbers. If you want that, I'd add separation between the stripes on the jersey, otherwise it looks mismatched.

Not trying to tear it apart, just trying to help.

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When I see the "paw print" logo, I think junior-high sports, and the face-paint template that girls use to put paw-prints on their cheeks. Basically I just think it is better fit for a younger or female audience (sorry Clemson.)

I think that the stripe and repeating pattern is a little much, and the jersey would look just fine (pretty good actually) with only the stripe.

Other critiques:

Black in the logo but nowhere else? This isn't the worst thing in the world, but it wouldn't hurt to mix in just a little black trim somewhere else just to balance it out a bit.

I like the AK flag in general, and I really like it when elements from it are used in uniform concepts. However I just think it is lazy (sorry) to slap the actual flag on a jersey (that goes for Arizona-based concepts too.) I think it would look really cool to take just the stars off of the flag and have those on the sleeves. The stars could have a blue outline so they'd show up better on the white jersey.

I know that the Leafs and / or Habs use a rounded name font and block number combo, but IMO it doesn't work. I think your concept would look better with straight block all around.

Last thing: I don't think you need the double outline on your numbers. If you want that, I'd add separation between the stripes on the jersey, otherwise it looks mismatched.

Not trying to tear it apart, just trying to help.

I think the paw prints look quite good, and unique, actually. I agree that you should add some black trim (in between the stripes, etc.) I agree that the double outlined numbers arent necessary. I think it would look good if you changed the thin blue trim to black in both jersey number sets. I think if you make the stars on the flag bigger and get rid of the flag outline it would look better, and more unique (like what BringBackTheVet said) said. I think if your going to use the rounded letters, you should use rounded numbers, or use block letters with block numbers. Looks good.

Overall: B+



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Here's an update of the concept with some black pinstriping to make up with the crest & the removal of the paws. I may also change the numbers and/or letter font. Thanks for the C+C.


Now the whole uniform flows together better.


Although this still has great potential to be A+ work. Good job.



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I still have to update the letters on my template but still working on this concept. Thanks for the C+C so far. I am thinking of working the stars of the flag into the concept as suggested besides a shoulder patch.

Edit: Here's the update with the new letters.


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You could do the stars down the legs of the shorts instead of plain or stripes. Just a thought.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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I still have to update the letters on my template but still working on this concept. Thanks for the C+C so far. I am thinking of working the stars of the flag into the concept as suggested besides a shoulder patch.

Edit: Here's the update with the new letters.


Great job. Turned good work in to great work. A+

That's what good C&C does for ya. :D




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