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Washington Capitals Concept


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As many of you are aware, a few months ago I introduced an NHL Series. It's gone untouched for quite sometime, but with my work for fantasy hockey leagues on these boards, I decided to rehash one of my first designs. The Washington Capitals, who are officialy returning to the Red, White and Blue for the 2007-2008 season. Did you miss it the first time around? Well if so, here it is.

Now onto the actual concept itself. As you can see I changed my modernized version of the original Caps logo. I removed the Thrashers-esque font and replaced it with a simple Arial Black to match up with the simplicity of the first logo. Also gone are the needless outlines around "WASHINGTON" and the 5 Stars to the left of the hockey stick. I like version 2.0 much better, it seems cleaner and more professional to me. For the jerseys as you can tell if you look back at what I rolled out last year, they are extremely more traditional. I figured since I updated the original logo, why not just update the original uniforms? The white sweater I love, but I'm not to sure how the blue works on the dark sweater, what do you all think? Well without further ado, here they are....


C&C as always...

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These are pretty sweel man, and most of what I don't like isn't your fault. these are way better than the original unis, but I just find this whole identity bland-the logo is just the word with a hockey stick. For the team that represents our nation's capital, I just think a more dynamic and stoic logo is appropriate. But then, I AM in the minority of people that love their current look and the retired blue jerseys...

Top notch, and super clean as always speedy.

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Generally very nice. Clean, not garish.

But why, why, why persist in the misguided effort to make an object the shape of the letter L into a T? This is still a CapiLals logo. In fact, it's a step back: Your beautifully rendered hockey stick forces the viewer to see the stick even more literally as a hockey stick than the old logo, so the cute little contrasting-color wings you put on the stick to make it a figurative T are even less effective than the crappy old logo.

The word has a real letter L in it. If you can't use the stick there, then make it the letter I and line up Washington so the stick is the I for both and the repetition will make it absolutely clear that just the vertical portion of the stick is forming the letter, not the entire stick itself. That way you can have your cake and eat it too, with a realistically rendered stick that nonetheless works within the context of the writing as a letter.

That solution would look much less forced, and it would also push the stars over to the left side of the logo, where they would balance better with the hockey puck at the bottom.

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Generally very nice. Clean, not garish.

But why, why, why persist in the misguided effort to make an object the shape of the letter L into a T? This is still a CapiLals logo. In fact, it's a step back: Your beautifully rendered hockey stick forces the viewer to see the stick even more literally as a hockey stick than the old logo, so the cute little contrasting-color wings you put on the stick to make it a figurative T are even less effective than the crappy old logo.

The word has a real letter L in it. If you can't use the stick there, then make it the letter I and line up Washington so the stick is the I for both and the repetition will make it absolutely clear that just the vertical portion of the stick is forming the letter, not the entire stick itself. That way you can have your cake and eat it too, with a realistically rendered stick that nonetheless works within the context of the writing as a letter.

That solution would look much less forced, and it would also push the stars over to the left side of the logo, where they would balance better with the hockey puck at the bottom.

Believe it or not I actually thought of you while doing this. I remember reading somewhere your distaste for the way the original Capitals logo was laid out. Before reading your opinion, it never really bothered me. Then it did and whenever I see the logo that's all I can think of. Unfortunetly, I don't think making the stick the L in Capitals would look any better. I feel as though it would throw off the entire flow to the wordmark and throw it off balance. However I do like your idea to make the stick the I in both Washington and Capitals, that for sure is something I'll be trying the next time I get a chance to look at this.

I don't know why, but it cracks me up when guys watermark items as their own when it is tradmarked by someone else.

I don't know why, but it cracks me up whenguys steal my jersey designs. Not saying the logo is fantastic or anything, but why wouldn't I watermark it? So people can pass it off as their own? No thanks. I just only started watermarking my work after seeing it being passed off as other peoples on various message boards.

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Nothing wrong with watermarking something you created. Especially if idiots try to pass it off as their own (has happened to me so i understand completely).

If people wonder why you do it and whine about it, chances are they are the ones that wanted to steal it and use it.


5x Stanley Cup Champions

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I think it looks great!

Just curious, under your current color scheme, did did you do a set that didnt make the final cut that has the present day number and letter font. just curious to see how it would work with the red white and blue.


PotD May 11th, 2011
looooooogodud: June 7th 2010 - July 5th 2012


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Did anyone else think ...Oh no PILL is back, when they read the title?

I really like those jerseys, kind of have a 80's USA Hockey feel to them (which there is nothing wrong with that)


Formula GP

CenterField 22 pts

#7 Coca-Cola Giancarlo Fisichella 4pts

#8 Coca-Cola Lewis Hamilton 18pts


CenterField Motorsports

#5 Sony Kyle Busch

#8 Gatorade Kurt Busch

#9 Sirius David Ragan/Ricky Rudd

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I like these...I LIKE these.


I ain't the most die-hardest of hockey fans, but I'm in love with this here concept folk! If this was real I swear 'fo tha Lawd I'd shell out some bucks for it. I remember the older style jerseys, but these are about as good an update on those as you can get, in the vein of the Pistons refreshening their "bad boys" era uniforms with what they have now (after that whole teal, yellow, maroon and black experiment that to this day I still don't get--although it spawned a nice horsehead logo that they don't even USE anymore...but back to hockey here).

I look, I study, I look and study harder...and I seriously can't find a singular thing about this that I don't like. The ONLY tidbit I'd add to it would be (and I bet you already did it in a prelim draft) exploring the possibity of using the Arial Black font style for the numbers--you know, for the sake of uniqueness. The block 8, as is, is still good though (even if it also seems like one of the AZ Cardinals' numbers)...

A+ sir. (Maybe I should try my hand at a hockey concept or two...)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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I don't know why, but it cracks me up whenguys steal my jersey designs. Not saying the logo is fantastic or anything, but why wouldn't I watermark it? So people can pass it off as their own? No thanks. I just only started watermarking my work after seeing it being passed off as other peoples on various message boards.

Don't worry I wasn't trying to single you out. I still think it is funny. And no, I wasn't trying to steal your wordmarked work, anyone could get around a wordmark if they really wanted it. No need to cry about what I say.

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