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The nba-football x-over returns


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**EDIT- NBA BASEBALL! not football! im such a dope**

after a very long break, I decided to get my NBA-baseball crossover thread back up and running. i only got through about 2/3rds of the teams in the summer, then boredom hit. well, i plan to finish the set off now. I'll re-post all the links to refresh your memories, then with every new team, ill update this post. enjoy! (copy/paste links)

Atlanta Hawks

Boston Celtics

Chicago Bulls

Cleveland Cavs

Dallas Mavericks

Denver Nuggets

Detroit Pistons

Golden State Warriors

Houston Rockets (old logos)

]Houston Rocket (new logos)

Indiana Pacers

LA Clippers

LA Lakers

Memphis Grizzlies

Miami Heat

Milwaukee Bucks

Minnesota T-Wolves

New Jersey Nets

N'Awlins Hornets

Orlando Magic

Philadephia 76ers

Phoenix Suns

Portland TrailBlazers

Sacramento Kings

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These are great!  I don't know why, but the Sixers logos have always bothered me, but what you've done with these makes me like 'em a little bit.  The 'P' on the cap is very cool, did you make that one yourself?  I had been wondering where these had gone, I spent way too much time lurking this summer.   Keep up the good work!


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These are fantastic! Great work

Kansas-BB-banner.png My-son-Soldier-banner.png

Kansas City Scouts (CHL) Orr Cup Champions 2010, 2019, 2021         St. Joseph Pony Express (ULL)  2023 Champions     Kansas City Cattle (CL)

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wow... these are fantastic.  Very nice job.

I love the Nuggets ones... not crazy about the Pacers alternate... but maybe it'd looked better on the field.  I'd just take the pin stripes off of the yellow.


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Man, these are all very neat... The Celtics one I like the best; I've always thought an MLB team should have a basic green/white color combo (with away grays) like this...

I also like how you sometimes matched up cap logo styles: interlocking TM for the T-Wolves reminiscent of the TC for the Twins, the interlocking LA, the DN for the Denever Nuggets similar to the CR for the Colorado Rockies, etc.

Great work!!

It is what it is.

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First Update!:

New Houston Rockets: the new logo transferred very well as baseball logos, and the jerseys are heavily influeced by their NBA duds.

Phoenix Suns: definetly the hardest concept ive done so far, with a lot of logo editing and trying to work with their weird striping on their unis. still dont think i like this one..

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The Phoenix uni is fine Epper. And the new Rockets ones are top notch. I think more Baseball teams should introduce something unusual like that onto their unis and this design makes me sure it could work, without ruining the effect of a traditional baseball uni. Outstanding job


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Sweet job Epper.

Strangely, two of my favorite concepts of your's--the Sixers and the Warriors--are looks that I really don't like for baskbetball, but you've made work really well for baseball.

Can't wait to see the rest of the teams.

"I still think a tag team of Jimmy B and Melo could kick the :censored: out of Jesus and God."

Syracuse Orangemen

2003 National Champions

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i'm really liking the suns uniforms. I like how on the hats at first i just thought it was flames over the PHX and the ball, but it turns out it was shaped like a phoenix, i thought that was good work. I also like the new rockets, seemingly easily transferred over to baseball. Great Job, can't wait for more.


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Another update, from the west coast:

Portland Blazers: Used 4 jerseys for the first time, like the Marlins, Indians etc. with one alt. being coloured and the other being sleeveless. I used the trademark blazers diagonal stripes on this one, think it looks alright. Need some feeback on that one

Sacramento Kings: very straightforward approach here. i really think the hat logo turned out well

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