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Concepts board?


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Seeing as 3/4 of the front page is cluttered with concepts, most of which have had very few comments I'm wondering if it might be worthwhile if they powers that be created a concepts board.

Comments?  Yes I know this has been brought up before, just seems that the concepts are in plague proportions again...

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Concepts are the lifeblood of this board. There just isn't usually enough "news" to make such a board worthwhile.

The Concepts board (as part of the "Make SyPhi a Moderator for a Day Celebrations 2003") died not because of lack of concepts, but because people wanted them on the main page. The requests thread has (for the most part) taken care of that end of things.

So in conclusion, 1 vote for no Concepts board.

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I would also say no, the forum would just get too cluttered if we make another board just for showing off concepts. And I also want to echo that there is just not enough news to fill up this board without the concepts.


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You know, I get along with people here pretty good (I think).  But after a couple of consecutive days of browsing over the board and noticing these kind of responses and topics.  Why do certain people take it upon themselves to be the "board police"?  That's what I thought we had board moderators for, if they wanted a post moved they will do it!!!  I didnt want to single anyone out but I kinda have to to prove my point.  I have gone to two new posts in the last two days in which Steve-O has questioned its place on the board (shouldn't this be in request??? or "should we give it the big move" he said in one of them.)  come on, I started coming to this board a little over a year ago BECAUSE of the concepts and advice and REQUESTS!!! people have here, I never found a place where people shared my creative intrests before, and I enjoyed it.  I come here everyday, repeatidly.  But the self deputized Board Cops are really making me question whether I want to come here anymore.  LAY OFF THE NEW AND INEXPERIENCED GUYS, PLEASE!!!!!  And, frankly, number55, if you are worried about board clutter, stop posting topics about board clutter!!!!!  I have said my piece and I'll probably get a lashing for it, but I cant feel bad for defending myself and how I feel, and I am sure I speak for a few others.


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Group: Members

Posts: 143

Joined: Oct. 2003 Posted: Jan. 23 2004,17:11


Cowboy, you might be a little new(er) here (I know Im still pretty new) but you might want to post this in the Requests thread if you wish to get a good response. Just remember for next time. It's back one on the mainpage btw.

I stand corrected, its THREE topics in the last two days.  I went straight out of this thread and into another, and looky what I found. Dude, seriously.......
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first of all, uniformjipetto.... your signature brought a tear to my eye... take good care of derian. the entire fan-community of the dallas stars misses him...

and back on topic, the question you've gotta ask here is what's more important? is it more important to talk about possible uniform changes, and then cry about them when they're announced? or is it better to talk about possible uniform changes, and then show everyone what YOU think would be a better uniform? :)

seriously though, if you take the concepts off this board, you'll have what? 5 posts a month, 3 of which are about the same topic? and the other two about what color pants some obscure college football teams are rumored to have next year? :)

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I don't want to jump into a sinking ship, but I kinda see his point. Moderators are for moving misplaced messages. The "this belongs on the request board" stuff sorta feels like i'm in 3rd grade and someone told the teacher I was eating soap again.

I'm cool with everyone, and I appreciate folks helping out newbies. I'd just like a little more minding-your-own. Except JQK. He should tell us all to kiss his @$$ as frequently as he'd like. Thats his schtick.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Jipetto - Steve O's response was actually trying to be helpful to the requester - "but you might want to post this in the Requests thread if you wish to get a good response."

Nice bit of altruistic "board policing" IMHO.

I just figured that the concepts would be better served on an on-topic board of their own, rather than in a general discussion...just my 2c.  I know I'm never going to win this one, but I have just as much right to voice an opinion as anyone else, so please don't just tell me to stfu, as the tone of your post implied.

FWIW I'm not just some newbie...been around the place with one nick or another since CC's site started...I post rarely (usually when I have something worthwhile to add) but lurk often.

Never mind, back to lurking...

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