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My first Illustrator concept!


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Anywho, as if the title and description of this particular thread didn't give you the hint, this here's my first go at a logo concept in Illustrator. I'm pretty much a newb when it comes to this stuff, but I'd figured I'd see what you guys thought.

Without further ado...


I have no idea what the phrase 'C&C' means? unless it's in regards to the Music Factory? but I suppose I'll ask for it anyway.

Sigs are for sissies.

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C&C is comments and criticism. My first thought is, that it looks like the LSU tiger on the helmet, but then again how many times can you make a headless tiger look angry? I would say that there needs to be some detail in the chin.



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Is that anything like a disembodied tiger's head? Thanks for clearing up the whole 'C&C' thing. I figured it was something along those lines, but God only knows what it could've been with all this crazy internet jargon.

Sigs are for sissies.

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For a first render, it's pretty good. But for me it's not to the 'logo' stage yet. First of all, it needs to be simplified. To me, a good logo should only have the elements that are completely necessary. Also, the image itself needs to be tightened up a bit. I'm assuming this was done with a photo or another image as reference, thus the realistic-looking shaggy tiger. I would focus on simplifying and cleaning up the white area around his jaw (the jowl?).

All that said, it's a good start and could be a very good logo.


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It needs something around the mouth. There is all that white then a blob of black with the teeth inside of it. But overall it is not bad for a first attempt.

Tigers typically have black "lips", that this one is lacking. That would break up the white of the teeth and snout. I agree that for a logo it's too detailed, and needs to be simplified down to basic shapes and elements.

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