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Hartford Whalers Football Concept


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Hartford has a lot of Football fans. Hartford also has a lot of former Whalers fans. Therefore, if the NFL is going to relocate Buffalo or Detroit, the most financially sound move would be to move them to Hartford and call them the Whalers.

Okay, that is a ridiculous argument. But after I read that the UFL is going to have a team in Hartford, I thought it would be great to call the team the Whalers.

So really, this concept arose for several reasons. One, I always wondered what a football jersey would look like integrating some Hockey stylings. I also love the color scheme, which would be pretty much unique ever since the Seahawks changed their beautiful jerseys into the mess of metallic blue and neon green (RIP 1976-2001).

So, here they are. Home:




A couple of notes:

I tried to integrate the horizontal striping at the bottom of the jersey, but when it was wrapped around the whole jersey, it looked ridiculous. So I tried to compromise it, and if you can't tell from the pictures, the stripes run up the pants and wrap around the back of the jersey.

I would like some advice as to whether or not keep the silver in the jerseys. I think they might look a bit better with white replacing silver.

This is my first vector drawing, well, ever, so I don't have that great a feel for inkscape, and that's why it may look a little rough. (The stripes in particular were challenging).

Also, keep in mind, I did not intend to replicate the Whalers jersey entirely. Don't judge this for how well I plastered the Whalers onto a football Jersey, but rather for how well I made a modern football jersey that is reminiscent of the Whalers' jerseys.

All C+C appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Hey, I just threw this together quickly, so forgive the missing shoulder logos--


It's a blue alternate, but I also included a blue helmet, and hopefully I can get some concensus as to whether to keep it silver or make it blue. Also, I was thinking maybe blue should be the primary jersey, rather than green.

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I've always thought the idea of integrating a sports team's logos onto a completely different sports jersey was pretty cool and different. I actually own a New York Rangers (NHL) baseball jersey, which looks awesome. Maybe we could start a topic for sport-crossover uniforms and just go crazy with the designs.


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I've always thought the idea of integrating a sports team's logos onto a completely different sports jersey was pretty cool and different. I actually own a New York Rangers (NHL) baseball jersey, which looks awesome. Maybe we could start a topic for sport-crossover uniforms and just go crazy with the designs.

It's been done many times over. Do a search, I'm sure you'll get lots of topics.

Nole, I think the font you chose is fantastic, it really does have a Whalers look to it. Nice choice. The shading on the helmet is distracting to the concept I think. It doesn't look like a realistic shadow or highlight. I'd ditch it just for the sake of the template.

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