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Is there a hidden meaning in the Detroit Tigers' logo?


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I've been a Tigers fan all my life, but I'd never heard of this one until today. Someone told me that you can find the letters D, E, T, R, O, I and T all hidden in the team's old English 'D' logo. I stared at the logo for a while after this, and I suppose I can find something resembling most of those letters in the logo, but it doesn't seem intentional. Has anyone else heard this one before?



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Ehhhh...it seems like too much of a stretch to be true. I guess it's possible, but I've never heard of anything like this. While we're on the subject, what's the deal with the "Detroit Tigers" under the second logo here? Is that an official wordmark?

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I can "see" the stretch of finding all the letters except the "o". I guess maybe their saying that Detroit has no offense? Oh and Hectic, why are we sacrificing our first born child to Miroslav Satan? He plays for the Penguins. :P



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Whoever told you that is definitely on the pipe.

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I don't think so. I just grabbed the first two logos I could find from a Google image search to make sure I provided the cap and the jersey logos.

*bites his tongue so hard it bleeds*

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