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More Historical NBA Uniforms


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Thought I'd remind everyone, and more specifically, the person who did a bunch of those old NBA uniform renderings on the main site, that the job still isn't finished. Not trying to sound rude, just pointing out that most teams still don't have their whole uniform histories recorded, so to speak (and some require minor modifications to be accounted for, like Milwaukee). Also, can the listed years of use for the uniforms depicted be fixed; many users, including myself, have pointed out inaccuracies. Thanks so much to whomever did the ones that are there, and keep up the great work, please!

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Keep in mind that every uniform that is created has a few minutes maybe even hours of research done to determine all slight details. After that, creating the uniform is relatively easy, takes only about 30 mins. Then the tricky part of finding quality images of the wordmarks and numbers comes into play. I think AAO's done an amazing job, especially since I've tried many times to compile all the NBA uniforms on my site. I know it takes a lot of work, and gets boring and tiring after a few jerseys, so a break is required. Just be patient, hopefully they'll be up soon.

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About 90% of the dates on the site are correct. On the team page, the date will say 2003/04 - 2007/08. Then on the image page itself that you click on, it will say the latter year (2004-2008) Meaning it was first used in the season that ended in 2004 and last in the season that ended in 2008. Don't let that be confused for an inaccuracy. I grew up in the late 80's and 90's, and I can remember most of how the 90's went down. It's hard to find pictures from the 70s and 60s that will tell you exactly when a minimal change came about. So unless you were alive back then and can distinctly remember and tell me, I'll stick to what I find in my research.

Rebel, yourself, shroinke, and ralphierce seem to know much about exact dates and things even for the smallest changes and I appreciate that help a bunch.

I have to ask, how long did it take you to figure out that not all 500+ NBA uniforms are on the site?!? Captain obvious saves the day! What I'm saying is I am well aware. I do this for fun and to help expand the site, I have a life outside of this and make those unis whenever I'm not doing other important, life-esque things. It's more of a hobby.

I started with the Hawks and worked my way through (for the most part) alphabetically. Some of those teams had unis in the ABA (i.e. Nuggets, Pacers) which I will do further down the line at some point, but NBA first.

But hey, for whatever inaccuracy you find, find me hard proof and I will change whatever it may be to those exact years.

I.E. What exact season did the Lakers' change their arm/neckhole trim striping from white-purple-gold-purple-white to white-purple-white? Have fun with that.

Just sit tight! And if you have anything to contribute towards the production of these unis, be my guest. If you intend to keep notifying me that not all 30 teams have their entire uniform history up yet, don't bother.

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Personally, I think you've done a great job. I started a similar project around '96, but I was using an early version of Paint Shop Pro and gave up after a few dozen jerseys. If there's any specific info you're after, LMK and I'll see if I can help you out.

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