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Resurrecting the XFL


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I had started an MLB series, but I'm going to take a break from it for a while, seeing that people are getting tired of them. So here's an idea that popped into my head as I was browsing sportslogos.net. I'll be doing an XFL series, just for fun. Now, I wasn't very old when the league existed, but I recall enough to know that it was pretty hated. But oh well...

I plan on redesigning all teams, with uniforms and possibly logos. I hope you enjoy.

First up is the XFL logos. All I did was update the old logo and added a wordmark. The black X logo and the red wormark would be primary, with the other two being secondary logos. I kept it fairly simple. Comments and/or criticism?


Here is the old logo for reference:


And if for any reason you feel compelled to request a team you'd like to see first, please do so.



avatar by crkraider22, signature by crkraider22 and chestnutz

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First of all, I like the idea. However, the league logo is a downgrade IMO. As for a request, lets see some Outlaws!
This is a good idea...I guess. For the league logo, I agree with chuckdownfield, it's kind of a downgrade. It's not as sharp as the original.

Any ideas? Is it the font?

Also first up will be the Las Vegas Outlaws



avatar by crkraider22, signature by crkraider22 and chestnutz

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First of all, I like the idea. However, the league logo is a downgrade IMO. As for a request, lets see some Outlaws!
This is a good idea...I guess. For the league logo, I agree with chuckdownfield, it's kind of a downgrade. It's not as sharp as the original.

Any ideas? Is it the font?

Ya, I would use a different font. It doesn't have to be the same as the original, but I wouldn't use something as plain as what you started with.

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Your font is far superior to the atrocity known as Copperplate. However, it could be better. Currently, it competes with the X too much. Try a holding shape behind it a la the Bucks, or T'wolves. Then you can try white letters, which will really pop off the black (ducking as I say "pop"). The XFL could be thicker as well. Hope that helps.

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Great idea!

I was only like 9 when the league was around but I liked it, I guess I wasn't the age group they were trying to target though.

Can't wait to see some concepts!



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Oh man, I had a guy in my suite my freshman year in college who LOVED the XFL. He valiantly stood by it 'til the end. One whole season. But I thought they had some real potential design-wise. I like some of the unique color schemes and helmet designs. So I'm looking forward to seeing your stuff.


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I think I still have a Birmingham Bolts shirt in my closet somewhere, even though I'm way to big to wear now. I always liked the XFL just because they a team in Birmingham and I won a little mini xfl football, and I always liked the logo.

                                                      Check out my new NFL 2016 Series!


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#1 Las Vegas Outlaws

Okay, it's been a month since I started this, but I have a great excuse for not posting anything. The past month I have been learning a new program Inkscape and I think its great and improves the look of my work a ton. Watching gingerbreadmann's videos and practicing has occupied a good amount of my time and this is my first posted work from Inkscape. On with the concept...

Not much to explain here. I have no idea if the monochrome home is okay, and I was pretty lost in deciding how to color the away and alt. so any help is greatly appreciated. I'm going for a more modern and "sleek?" look with these uniforms because I found the XFL uniforms quite bland.


In case you were wondering, here are their old unis.

Comments, criticism? I will make updates with the feedback I get. Thanks for viewing.

Oh by the way, I don't really like this template, but it was the only good one on The SVG Movement, so I used it. If anyone has a better one, please let me know. Thanks.



avatar by crkraider22, signature by crkraider22 and chestnutz

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I like it I think the logo is an improvement over what they actually had, but why have you made one side of the V longer than the other? It's kinda throwing my eye off, I feel like I should be looking for a hidden third letter in there and cant find it.

I like the uni's as well, and while the slab serif numbers look good on there I hope we'll see you use more exciting fonts on some of the future concepts, because much as I wasn't a fan of all the original XFL uni's they did try and use some more out there or custom fonts for their numbering than the NFL did at that time and I think that perhaps that's a tradition that you should carry on.


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I agree with 9erssteve about the logo. What you've made is a really good monogram, and I think it looks great on the helmet. But the tiny inconsistency between the two sides of the V does need to be fixed.

The uniforms design is fine. I'd like to see a different font for the numbers, maybe something with sharp serifs like the logo has. That would help tie everything together, but it's not a desperate need.

I am wondering what's up with the single, small serif-like spot on the outline of the leg stripe. It's not used anywhere else in the uniform, and it seems a bit out of place.


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