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CHL (Central Hockey League) Logo & Uniform Project


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Okay, here's what I've been working on for the past week:

Gathering as many of the CHL logos as I possibly can along with compiling uniform information for the current teams.

Here's what I've got:

Current Teams

Amarillo Gorillas: Primary Logo

Arizona Sundogs: Primary Logo

Bossier-Shreveport Mudbugs: Primary Logo

Colorado Eagles: Everything (Primary Logo, Shoulder Logo, Logotype, Uniform Graphics)

Corpus Christi Ice Rays: Primary Logo

Laredo Bucks: Primary Logo

Mississippi RiverKings: Primary Logo

New Mexico Scorpions: Primary Logo, Logotype

Odessa Jackalopes: Primary Logo, Alternate Jersey Script, Uniform Graphics)

Oklahoma City Blazers: Primary Logo

Rio Grande Valley Killer Bees: Primary Logo, Alternate Logo

Rocky Mountain Rage: Primary Logo

Texas Brahmas: Primary Logo

Tulsa Oilers: Primary Logo

Wichita Thunder: Primary Logo

CHL: Primary Logo, Alternate Logo

Here's what I need:

Current Teams

Allen Americans: Primary Logo (any other logos they might have, uniform graphics, jersey numerals & letters)

Amarillo Gorillas: Alternate Logo (foot print), Logotype, Uniform Graphics, Jersey Numerals & Letters

Arizona Sundogs: Alternate Logo (sun shoulder logo), Logotype

Bossier-Shreveport Mudbugs: Alternate Logo (claw shoulder logo), Logotype, Jersey Numerals & Letters

Corpus Christi Ice Rays: Logotype, Uniform Graphics, Jersey Numerals & Letters

Laredo Bucks: Alternate Logo, Logotype, Uniform Graphics, Jersey Numerals & Letters

Mississippi RiverKings: Logotype, Uniform Graphics

Missouri Mavericks: Primary Logo (any other logos they might have, uniform graphics, jersey numerals & letters)

New Mexico Scorpions: Uniform Graphics

Odessa Jackalopes: Logotype, Jersey Numerals & Letters

Oklahoma City Blazers: Alternate Logo, Uniform Graphics

Rapid City Rush: Primary Logo, Alternate Logo, Logotype, Uniform Graphics

Rio Grande Valley Killer Bees: Alternate Logo (shoulder logo), Logotype, Uniform Graphics

Rocky Mountain Rage: Alternate Logo ("R" logo), Uniform Graphics, Jersey Numerals & Letters

Texas Brahmas: Alternate Logo (bull head), Uniform Graphics

Tulsa Oilers: Alternate Logo, Uniform Graphics, Jersey Numerals & Letters

Wichita Thunder: Alternate Logo, Uniform Graphics, Jersey Numerals & Letters

I'm going to leave out past teams and uniforms until all the current teams are completed. I included New Mexico, Oklahoma City & Rocky Mountain because it's the offseason and they played the previous season.

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I have a bucks home jersey... I'll take some pics to post in the next day or two.... I also have some pictures of a few games I went to that may help with some of the uniform questions... I'll post those as well.

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They didn't fold, they're inactive for the 2009-10 season.

On that note, the Austin Ice Bats had gone inactive for the past season. As far as I know, they're still trying to find a place to play in - or out of - Austin.

When I lived in Central Texas, the Ice Bats were my team. Those were the days . . . . for those of you still down there, could you imagine a hockey rink in the Travis County Expo Center? I know they had since moved to Chaparral Ice on IH 35 . . . . I remember the "STP Fuel Line" with Brett Seguin, and I see defenseman Darryl MacArthur is still on the roster.

[/reminiscing] And now, back to the CHL topic at hand.

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Here's the RGV Killer Bees alternate.. sorry, it's the best I have...


more to come on the Bucks soon.

Why do you have a photo of Al Bergh?

Because I found it hilarious at the time (blame the alcohol) that the sponsor patch for the goalie only was Chorizo. Leave it to the one guy who doesn't have to skate around to have a fried pork product as a sponsor.

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Here's the RGV Killer Bees alternate.. sorry, it's the best I have...


more to come on the Bucks soon.

Why do you have a photo of Al Bergh?

Because I found it hilarious at the time (blame the alcohol) that the sponsor patch for the goalie only was Chorizo. Leave it to the one guy who doesn't have to skate around to have a fried pork product as a sponsor.

Al is actually a substitute emergency goalie who the Bees use when one of their regulars is hurt. That's why I thought it was funny.

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ADW...are you looking for defunct team stuff too? I have a few decent scans of some of the primary logos.

Austin Ice Bats

Central Texas Stampede

Waco Wizards

New Mexico Scorpions (original logo, when they had the Charlie Brown trim)

Amarillo Rattlers (miles above the stupid "Gorilla" set they have now)

El Paso Buzzards

Ah, the memories.


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